Resolution: Done
P2: Important
Add more GIFsMake sure the first frame serves as a good screenshot to match the first frame of the GIF with a snippet next to itCan replace the image tables of controls in different states in many places
Double the check the brief descriptions.Elaborate on the "A foo control" ones. them all follow the same format.
Attached propertiesUsers conceive them confusing. Add short examples to give an idea how to use.
Customizing ApplicationWindowImage or gradient as a background
Detailed descriptionLink to Customizing ApplicationWindow
ApplicationWindow::backgroundMention that ApplicationWindow::background is only useful for images/gradients etc. Window::color is better for solid colors to Customizing ApplicationWindow
ApplicationWindow::contentDataElaborate. Copy parts of Window::data?
ApplicationWindow::contentItemWhat is the purpose, or what is it useful for?Always stacked below the header, footer, and the overlay of course
ApplicationWindow::footer, headerAdd a snippet containing ToolBar (share with Page?)
ApplicationWindow::overlayMissing pressed() and released() signals example snippet with some “static” / non-popup overlay content
Attached properties
Detailed descriptionShould we have any tips when to use BusyIndicator vs. indeterminate ProgressBar?
Button::autoRepeatFix pressed(), released() and clicked() to be presented as links
Button::checkableElaborate. “A checkable button toggles between checked (on) and unchecked (off) when the user...” also CheckBox, Switch? to AbstractButton::checked
Button::flat & highlightedScreenshots would be nice
Detailed descriptionReplace state images with a GIF be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from AbstractButton. CheckDelegate, explain the difference between the two, and link to CheckDelegate.
CheckBox::tristateA screenshot of a tri-state checkbox?
Detailed descriptionCould be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from ItemDelegate and AbstractButton. CheckBox, explain the difference between the two, and link to CheckBox.
CheckDelegate::tristateA screenshot of a tri-state checkbox?
Detailed descriptionFix the screenshot to not have elided items
ComboBox::currentIndexLink to highlightedIndex
ComboBox::delegateAbstractButton works out of the box other types, have to close the popup by hand
ComboBox::highlightedIndexIt is the highlighted item in the popup, -1 when the popup is closed a highlighted item is activated, it becomes the current index
ComboBox::indicatorLink to Customizing ComboBox
ComboBox::popupMention that it's possible to open or close the popup manually, for instance
ComboBox::pressedDoes it stay pressed when the popup is open? I think so, but should be clarified...
ComboBox::textRoleWhen the model has multiple roles, ComboBox needs to know which one to use
ComboBox::activated(int index) & :highlighted(int index)Elaborate. Activating means selecting an item that the popup closes, or selecting an item with up/down arrows while its closed. The current index changes. Highlighting an item doesn't select/activate
ComboBox::incrementCurrentIndex() & decrementCurrentIndex()Typo: "or the highlighted index if the popup list when it is visible."
Detailed descriptionExplain the diagram a linkable title for the diagram "Control", "width" and "height" to the diagram
Control::availableWidth, availableHeightLink to the diagram The width/height available for content. Horizontal/vertical padding deducted from the total width/height.
Control::backgroundExample snippet that most controls use the implicit size of the background item to calculate the implicit size of the control itself. If you replace the background with a custom one, you should also consider providing a sensible implicit size for it (unless it's eg. Image that already calculates its implicit size).
Control::contentItemThe content item is resized within the paddings.Notice that most controls use the implicit size of the content item to calculate the implicit size of the control itself. If you replace the content item with a custom one, you should also consider providing a sensible implicit size for it (unless it's eg. Text that already calculates its implicit size). snippet
Control::fontExample snippet with font inheritance
Control::padding, topPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, bottomPaddingLink to the diagram These are used to control the geometry of the content item.
Control::mirroredBut when is the visual layout direction is right-to-left? RTL locale or LayoutMirroring.enabled.
Control::spacingElaborate. Typically used by controls that have multiple or repetitive building blocks.
Control::wheelEnabledExplain that for example a Slider that handles wheel events would conflict with a Flickable handling wheel events. Wheel scrolling the flickable is interrupted at the slider.
Detailed description"Typically the content items are statically declared as children of the container, but Container also provides an API to \l add, \l insert, \l move and \l remove items dynamically."
Detailed descriptionMissing GIF/screenshot
Dial::angleDocument the range
Dial::handleFix the property type: Item
Dial::pressedDoes the example not break left key handling?Mitch: yeah, it's intentional (see the paragraph before the example).
Dial::stepSizeWhat does the default stepSize 0.0 mean in practice? 0.1 steps? 10% steps?
Dial::wrapThe GIFs are hard to follow since you can't see the cursor / touch pointQTBUG-56868
Detailed descriptionA GIF would explain a lot the snippet? First a basic snippet without any content pushing tricks? The content pushing example is based on Drawer::position, so it could be moved there. to the note about the reserved edges on certain platforms. "For example, the top and bottom edges on Android and iOS".
Drawer::edgeThe edge of the window, not content item
Drawer::positionWould \c 0.0 and \c 1.0 stand out better from the text?
Detailed descriptionlink to Control::contentItem
Brief descriptionMatch with Frame and mention title
Detailed descriptionAvoid auto-links to itself? to Control::contentItem of the groupbox/behavior of the checkbox/
GroupBox::titleElaborate? Where the title is shown or something?
Detailed descriptionCould be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from AbstractButton.Mitch: this is already mentioned there.
ItemDelegate::highlightedThe mention of the default value seems out of place. Move it before the snippet and the explanation?
Detailed descriptionlink to Text
Attached propertiesExamples and screenshots of them!
Detailed description"Typically the menu items are statically declared as children of the menu, but Menu also provides an API to \l add, \l insert, \l move and \l remove items dynamically. The items in a menu can be accessed using \l itemAt() or \l contentChildren." also that Menu is not limited to MenuItems, but can contain basically any items.
Menu::contentDataElaborate. Borrow something from Container::contentData, Item::data
Menu::contentModelBorrow something from Container::contentModel is a read-only property, so drop the "by default" comment.'t promise an ObjectModel, because we may have to change it to something else in the future to deal with hidden items.
Menu::titleCould do some rephrasing... drop the mention of the default empty string. It's silly and obvious. Not used by anything (yet?). What is it for? How can it be used? snippet?Mitch: left out for now as it wouldn't add much value.
Menu::addItem(), insertItem(), moveItem(), removeItem()an item or the item?
Detailed descriptionRephrase. Talks about AbstractButton's "clicked" but provides its own "triggered".
MenuItem::checkableElaborate. “A checkable menu item toggles between checked (on) and unchecked (off) when the user...” to AbstractButton::checked
Page::contentChildren, contentDataElaborate. Borrow something from Container::contentChildren, Container::contentData, Item::children, Item::data
Page::titleElaborate. Not used by anything (yet?). What is it for? How can it be used? snippet
Detailed descriptionAdd eg. StackLayout to the example snippet to show realistic usage/bindings?
PageIndicator::interactiveExample snippet with 2-way bindings to SwipeView that the indicators are typically relatively small. They can be hard to hit. It may not be obvious to the user that the indicators are interactive. So for these several reasons, this should not be the only/main method of navigation!
Detailed descriptionlink to Control::contentItem
Pane::contentChildren, contentDataElaborate. Borrow something from Container::contentChildren, Container::contentData, Item::children, Item::data
Pane::contentWidth, contentHeightThese provide a way to set the implicit size of the content. Any padding or decoration (with Frame & GroupBox) is added to the total implicit size of the whole control.
Detailed descriptionAdd screenshot(ignored, the default style popup is just a plain rectangle...)Add the same diagram than Control has? positioning and sizing behavior
Popup::activeFocusPopup::availableWidth, availableHeightElaborate. The width/height available for content. Horizontal/vertical padding deducted from the total width/height.
Popup::backgroundExample snippet that most popups use the implicit size of the background item to calculate the implicit size of the popup itself. If you replace the background with a custom one, you should also consider providing a sensible implicit size for it (unless it's eg. Image that already calculates its implicit size).
Popup::contentChildren, contentDataElaborate. Borrow something from Container::contentChildren, Container::contentData, Item::children, Item::data
Popup::contentItemThe content item is resized within the paddings. that most popups use the implicit size of the content item to calculate the implicit size of the popup itself. If you replace the content item with a custom one, you should also consider providing a sensible implicit size for it (unless it's eg. Text that already calculates its implicit size). snippet
Popup:contentWidth, contentHeightThese provide a way to set the implicit size of the content. Any padding or decoration (with Frame & GroupBox) is added to the total implicit size of the whole control.
- Popup::dim
- A screenshot would explain a lot
Popup::enter, exitAn example (+ GIF?)
Popup::focus\sa activeFocus focus or wants focus?
Popup::fontExample snippet with font inheritance
Popup::padding, topPadding, leftPadding, rightPadding, bottomPaddingLink to the diagram These are used to control the geometry of the content item.
Popup::visible\sa open(), close()
Popup::zPopups with the same Z-value -> the last opened at the top.
Popup::open(), close()\sa visible
Detailed descriptionShould we have any tips when to use indeterminate ProgressBar vs. BusyIndicator? to Indicator Controls
Detailed descriptionAdd GIF? be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from AbstractButton. continue the auto-exclusive paragraph by mentioning that ButtonGroup can be used to manage RadioButtons that do not share a common parent. RadioDelegate, explain the difference between the two, and link to RadioDelegate
Detailed descriptionCould be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from ItemDelegate and AbstractButton. it auto-exclusive by default, like RadioButton is? Add the same sentence if so. RadioButton, explain the difference between the two, and link to RadioButton
Detailed descriptionAdd another, a bit more complex example snippet. For example, a slider from 1 to 100, first handle at 25, second handle at 75, and explain the values of position and visual position in LTR & RTL
RangeSlider::snapModeGIFs to illustrate the snapModes?
RangeSlider::first/second.increase(), decrease()Is it 0.1 or 10% of the whole range?0.1, as documented.
RoundButton (5.8 only)
Guidelines missing from Button Controls
Detailed descriptionA GIF with some real content? the attaching section a linkable title and link from ScrollBar.vertical and .horizontal attached properties the "connecting active-properties of two scrollbars" section a linkable title and link from ScrollBar::active an example of manual ScrollBar usage. Without the attached property you have full control over size, position & active.
Mention in all properties that are automatically set when using the attached property
Detailed descriptionA GIF with some real content? the attaching section a linkable title and link from ScrollIndicator.vertical and .horizontal attached properties the "connecting active-properties of two scrollbars" section a linkable title and link from ScrollIndicator::active an example of manual ScrollIndicator usage. Without the attached property you have full control over size, position & active.
Mention in all properties that are automatically set when using the attached property
Detailed descriptionAdd another, a bit more complex example snippet. For example, a slider from 1 to 100, handle at != 50, and explain the values of position and visual position in LTR & RTL
Slider::snapModeGIFs to illustrate the snapModes?
Slider::increase(), decrease()Is it 0.1 or 10% of the whole range?0.1, as documented.
SpinBox::increase(), decrease()What if stepSize is not defined? 0.1 or 10% like Slider?
valueFromText and textFromValue when it should be implemented and both should be implemented
Detailed descriptionThis is like a book already, but a GIF would be nice
Detailed descriptionMissing an example snippet be helpful mention something that an important part of the API is inherited from ItemDelegate and AbstractButton.
SwipeDelegate::swipe.pressed, completeMissing read-only notation
Detailed descriptionAdd a GIF to make it easier to get an understanding at a glimpse"Typically the content items are statically declared as children of the container, but the base type \l Container also provides an API to \l add, \l insert, \l move and \l remove items dynamically."
Attached propertiesWhat are they really used for?done in 5.8Example snippets!done in 5.8
Detailed descriptionCould be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from AbstractButton. SwitchDelegate, explain the difference between the two, and link to SwitchDelegate.
Detailed descriptionCould be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from ItemDelegate and AbstractButton. Switch, explain the difference between the two, and link to Switch.
Brief descriptionAdvertises icons but we don't even support icons (yet).
Detailed descriptionAdd a GIF to make it easier to get an understanding at a glimpse(ignored, animation hard to follow without some extensive content. there are several screenshots already)"Typically the content items are statically declared as children of the container, but the base type \l Container also provides an API to \l add, \l insert, \l move and \l remove items dynamically."
TabBar::positionInconsistency: ApplicationWindow is a link, Page is not => make both links
Brief descriptionfound on -> used in?
Detailed descriptionCould be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from AbstractButton.
Detailed descriptionMake the scrollable section linkable with a title, and link from TextArea.flickable attached property instead of duplicating the example?
TextArea::backgroundShare the docs with Control::background (mention implicit size)
TextArea::focusReasonShare the docs with Control::focusReason and TextField::focusReason
TextField::backgroundShare the docs with Control::background (mention implicit size)
TextField::focusReasonShare the docs with Control::focusReason and TextArea::focusReason
Brief descriptionToolBar does not make anything context sensitive, it's up to the user to put there whatever they want
ToolBar::positionInconsistency: ApplicationWindow is a link, Page is not => make both links
Brief descriptionToolButton: layout -> look
Detailed descriptionThe screenshot is not clear at a glimpse that where is the ToolButton there. be helpful mention something that basically the whole API is inherited from AbstractButton.
Detailed descriptionThe first screenshot is missing the tooltip...
Attached properties
Detailed descriptionMake the GIF more visible, or add another at the top
Tumbler::delegateThe correct type is "Component", not "component"
Attached propertiesExamples and screenshots of them!
Issue Links
- resulted from
QTCREATORBUG-16851 Qt Creator F1 help & Qt Quick Controls
- Closed
- resulted in
QTBUG-56868 Doc: some GIFs are hard to follow without seeing the touch point
- Open