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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-55937

The focus of a qml item can be changed although enabled option of the qml item is set as false.




      1. Please run the following code:
        import QtQuick 2.3
        import QtQuick.Window 2.2
        Window {
            visible: true
            width: 500
            height: 500
            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                onPressed: {
                    console.warn("mouse is pressed")
                    rect3.enabled = false;
                onReleased: {
                    console.warn("mouse is released")
                onPressAndHold: {
                    console.warn("mouse is pressAndHold")
                    rect3.enabled = true;
            Rectangle {
                id: rect1
                width: 100
                height: 100
                color: "red"
                focus: true
                onFocusChanged: {
                    console.warn("rect1 focus is changed as " + focus);
                onActiveFocusChanged: {
                    console.warn("rect1 active focus is changed as " + activeFocus);
                Keys.onPressed: {
                    console.warn("key " + event.key + " is pressed at rect1");
            Rectangle {
                id: rect2
                anchors.left: rect1.right
                anchors.leftMargin: 50
                width: 100
                height: 100
                color: "blue"
                onFocusChanged: {
                    console.warn("rect2 focus is changed as " + focus);
                onActiveFocusChanged: {
                    console.warn("rect2 active focus is changed as " + activeFocus);
                Keys.onPressed: {
                    console.warn("key " + event.key + " is pressed at rect2");
                onEnabledChanged: {
                    console.warn("rect2 enabled is " + enabled);
                Rectangle {
                    id: rect3
                    width: 50
                    height: 50
                    color: "black"
                    onFocusChanged: {
                        console.warn("rect3 focus is changed as " + focus);
                    onActiveFocusChanged: {
                        console.warn("rect3 active focus is changed as " + activeFocus);
                    Keys.onPressed: {
                        console.warn("key " + event.key + " is pressed at rect3");
                    onEnabledChanged: {
                        console.warn("rect3 enabled is " + enabled);
      1. Click on the app
      2. It logs:
        qml: rect3 enabled is false
        qml: rect3 focus is changed as true

        Expected behavior is that an item can't get the focus when it is not enabled.


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