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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-56820

ChartView disappears when reparented to another windows contentItem



    • 0d255307d26de786ba7535d76ac6f27c4c139d5e


      When a QML ChartView is reparented to another Window's contentItem it becomes invisible until changed visually in some way.

      Below is the QML used to recreate this issue. I've also attached a full project file for convenience.

      // Instructions

      • Run the project.
      • Click "Create SubWindow"
      • Click "Reparent Chart"
        *NOTE* - The chart has been reparented but is invisible.
      • Click "Change Value" OR click on where the chart should be located (center of the subWindow). This will cause the chart to reappear.

      // Info

      • The ChartView is not set as invisible or to zero opacity.
      • The CharView's geometry remains constant.
      • Removing the anchors has no effect.
      • If a plain red Rectangle is added as a child to the ChartView, it is moved over successfully and is visible. It is only the chart drawing that is not displayed.

      Please let me know of any potential workaround for this issue or if there is anything i can do to help resolve it.

      import QtQuick 2.7
      import QtQuick.Window 2.2
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
      import QtCharts 2.0
      import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
      Window {
          id: mainWindow
          visible: true
          width: 640
          height: 480
          title: qsTr("Hello ChartTest")
          // Private Properties
          property Window __subWindow: null;
          // Private Methods
          function __createSubWindow() {
              mainWindow.__subWindow = subWindowComponent.createObject();
              console.assert(mainWindow.__subWindow !== null);
          Component {
              id: subWindowComponent
              Window {
                  visible: true
                  x: 10
                  y: 10
                  height: 200
                  width: 200
          RowLayout {
              Button {
                  id: popButton
                  text: "Create SubWindow"
                  onClicked: mainWindow.__createSubWindow();
              Button {
                  id: reparentButton
                  text: "Reparent Chart"
                  onClicked: pieChart.parent = __subWindow.contentItem;
              Button {
                  id: changeValue
                  text: "Change Value"
                  onClicked: {
                      var slice = pieSeries.find("eaten");
                      console.assert(slice !== null);
                      if (slice !== null) {
                          slice.value = 20;
          ChartView {
              id: pieChart
              width: 100
              height: 100
              theme: ChartView.ChartThemeBrownSand
              antialiasing: true
              legend.visible: false
              margins.top: 0
              margins.left: 0
              margins.bottom: 0
              margins.right: 0
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              PieSeries {
                  id: pieSeries
                  size: 1
                  onClicked: {
                      pieSeries.find("notEaten").exploded = true;
                  PieSlice { label: "eaten"; value: 94.9 }
                  PieSlice { label: "notEaten"; value: 5.1 }


        1. ChartTest.zip
          2 kB
          Andrew Ialacci
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