For example, my issue like the demo browser of qt( create nano browser sample project). Please redirect to and right click to search text box. The page will reload other than show a context menu.
The other case when i have "<a><img src="pathtoimage"></a>alskdjalsjdkasjd</a>" then you right click serveral times to image then the text. The issue occurs. And many case other when right click to webengineview.
I have built my project with Qt 5.7 it works properly.
Update: It's seem that event mouse right click is not dispatched properly to a link or a button in QWebEngineView. I had tried to capture mouse right-click by re-implement method mousePressEvent before it called to method contextMenuEvent but it's still have the same problem.
Note: i found the problem when right click to button or a link.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-36180 Getting first chance exception "Invalid RPC server" when creating a QNetworkConfigurationManager object
- Closed