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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-57859

[REG 5.7->5.8.0 RC] Android: some Quick Dialogs open behind modal Popup



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P4: Low
    • None
    • 5.8.0 Beta, 5.8.0 RC
    • None
    • Qt: qt-opensource-linux-x64-android-5.8.0-rc, qt-opensource-linux-x64-android-5.8.0-beta
      Build host: Ubuntu 64bit
      Build targets: Android armeabi-v7a
      Tested on Android 4.1.1 device
    • Android


      If a scene contains an opened Popup (or a Popup-derived type), and one of QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 dialogs (ColorDialog, FontDialog, FileDialog) is opened, the opened dialog is positioned behind the Popup (see attached images), instead of being positioned in front of it. However, MessageDialog from QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 works correctly - it appears in front of the Popup.
      With Qt 5.7 all the dialogs are displayed correctly - in front of the Popup.
      Using the same dialogs from Qt.labs.platform 1.0 also works correctly in Qt 5.8 RC, so importing dialogs from Qt.labs.platform (see its limitations in Qt Docs) can be used as a workaround until the bug is fixed.
      The bug has been reproduced only on Android, but maybe it also affects other (mobile?) platforms.

      • launch the app (see attached sources) and click the button "Open popup". A popup is opened with a list of dialog names.
      • click "File Dialog"/"Color dialog"/"Font dialog" from the list. The corresponding dialog opens
      • EXPECTED: the dialog opens in front of the Popup
      • ACTUAL: the dialog opens behind the Popup
      import QtQuick 2.7
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
      import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
      import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2
      // import Qt.labs.platform 1.0 // With this import, dialogs are displayed correctly.
      ApplicationWindow {
          visible: true
          width: 640; height: 480
          title: "Hello World"
          Button { text: "Open popup"; onClicked: popup.open() }
          Popup {
              id: popup
              x: 220; y: 140; width: 200; height: 200
              modal: true
              z: -1 // Does not help - dialogs are still behind the Popup.
              ListView {
                  clip: true
                  anchors.fill: parent
                  model: [fileDialog, colorDialog, messageDialog, fontDialog]
                  delegate: ItemDelegate {
                      text: modelData.title
                      onClicked: modelData.open()
          ColorDialog { id: colorDialog; title: "Color dialog" }
          FontDialog { id: fontDialog; title: "Font dialog" }
          FileDialog {
              id: fileDialog
              title: "File dialog"
              modality: Qt.ApplicationModal // Does not help either.
          // Only MessageDialog is displayed above the Popup.
          MessageDialog { id: messageDialog; title: "Message dialog" }


        1. QTBUG-57859.zip
          6 kB
        2. MessageDialog.png
          11 kB
        3. FontDialog.png
          49 kB
        4. FileDialog.png
          29 kB
        5. ColorDialog.png
          31 kB
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