Resolution: Unresolved
P3: Somewhat important
5.7.1, 5.8.0 RC
Qt 5.7.1 / Qt 5.8 RC + Qt Creator 4.2.0, macOS 10.12.2, Xcode 8.2.1
Build for iOS from Qt Creator is very long. I tried setting ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH to NO for debug builds, so it would be built only for one architecture (instead of default 2), but I noticed it is already set by qmake, but it's not working while building from Qt Creator.
If I try to open .xcodeproj file and build it via Xcode - it is much faster and it works as it should (resulting file has only target architecture, checked by using lipo -info).
I think it would cut down iOS build times almost by 50%!
BTW, it would be great to fix generated xcodeproj setting for ARCHS variable (it's connected with this bug). Now it complains ("Update to recommended settings") about setting this variable in too many places - specific (like Debug/Any iOS Simulator SDK) AND global (Architectures). One can make xcode apply fix and see what's the diff - it's just removing ARCHS global setting (leaving specific ones untouched).
It's the only warning I cannot get rid of by using QMAKE_MAC_XCODE_SETTINGS.