Resolution: Done
P2: Important
5.6.2, 5.8.0
void *qReallocAligned(void *oldptr, size_t newsize, size_t oldsize, size_t alignment) { // fake an aligned allocation Q_UNUSED(oldsize); void *actualptr = oldptr ? static_cast<void **>(oldptr)[-1] : 0; if (alignment <= sizeof(void*)) { // special, fast case void **newptr = static_cast<void **>(realloc(actualptr, newsize + sizeof(void*))); if (!newptr) return 0; if (newptr == actualptr) { // realloc succeeded without reallocating return oldptr; } *newptr = newptr; return newptr + 1; } // malloc returns pointers aligned at least at sizeof(size_t) boundaries // but usually more (8- or 16-byte boundaries). // So we overallocate by alignment-sizeof(size_t) bytes, so we're guaranteed to find a // somewhere within the first alignment-sizeof(size_t) that is properly aligned. // However, we need to store the actual pointer, so we need to allocate actually size + // alignment anyway. void *real = realloc(actualptr, newsize + alignment); if (!real) return 0; quintptr faked = reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(real) + alignment; faked &= ~(alignment - 1); void **faked_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void **>(faked); // now save the value of the real pointer at faked-sizeof(void*) // by construction, alignment > sizeof(void*) and is a power of 2, so // faked-sizeof(void*) is properly aligned for a pointer faked_ptr[-1] = real; return faked_ptr; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { size_t s=8; volatile char*p=(char*)qReallocAligned(0,s,0,1); volatile uintptr_t&ph=*((volatile uintptr_t*)&p); memcpy((void*)p,"fuck",5); volatile char*pn=(char*)qReallocAligned((void*)p,s,0,16); volatile uintptr_t&pnh=*((volatile uintptr_t*)&pn); if(pn) p=pn; bool ok=p[0]=='f'; if(ok) printf("\n%s\n",p); else printf("\ngotcha\n"); qFreeAligned((void*)p); return ok?0:1; }
alignment is changed in second qReallocAligned invocation, so faked_ptr also changes(note: it MAY stay the same, but this is not guaranteed).
the result is old data is in alignment block now, and returned pointer points to uninitialized data.
you can use malloc+memcpy instead of realloc, but there is no way to memcpy reallocated block, unless you do it byte-by-byte end-to-beginning OR beginning-to-end, depending on alignment differences.
and "special, fast case" is NOT fast. for one, realloc is much more heavy than this wrapper, and anyway, you add comparison to avoid bitwise and. it's unnecessary.