Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
5.9.0 Alpha
The Error is.
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\qt5srcgit\qt5\qtwebengine\src\3rdparty\ninja\", line 496, in <module> objs += cxx(name) File "C:\qt5srcgit\qt5\qtwebengine\src\3rdparty\ninja\", line 278, in cxx return + objext), 'cxx', src(name + '.cc'), **kwargs) File "C:\qt5srcgit\qt5\qtwebengine\src\3rdparty\ninja\", line 160, in build self._run_command(self._expand(cmd, local_vars)) File "C:\qt5srcgit\qt5\qtwebengine\src\3rdparty\ninja\", line 185, in _run_command subprocess.check_call(cmdline, shell=True) File "C:\Pythonx64\lib\", line 186, in check_call raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'cl /nologo /Zi /W4 /WX /wd4530 /wd4100 /wd4706 /wd4512 /wd4800 /wd4702 /wd4819 /wd4127 /wd4355 /wd4091 /wd4577 /GR- /wd4267 /DNOMINMAX /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0 /DNINJA_PYTHON="python.exe" /FS /Ox /DNDEBUG /GL -I. -c C:\qt5srcgit\qt5\qtwebengine\src\3rdparty\ninja\src\ /Fobuild\clparser.obj' returned non-zero exit status 2 Project ERROR: NINJA build error! jom: C:\xsdf64\qtwebengine\src\buildtools\Makefile [sub-ninja-pro-make_first] Error 3 jom: C:\xsdf64\qtwebengine\src\Makefile [sub-buildtools-make_first] Error 2 jom: C:\xsdf64\qtwebengine\Makefile [sub-src-make_first] Error 2 jom: C:\xsdf64\Makefile [module-qtwebengine-make_first] Error 2
Config Parameter:
cd c:\xsdf64 set CL=-d2SSAOptimizer- -MP set PATH=C:\qt5srcgit\qt5\gnuwin32\bin;c:\icurlsx64\bin;c:\icurlsx64\include;c:\icurlsx64\lib;c:\opensslx64\include;c:\opensslx64\lib;C:\Perlx64\perl\bin;C:\Pythonx64\;%PATH%;C:\git\bin\ c:\qt5srcgit\qt5\configure -verbose -make-tool jom -opensource -confirm-license -prefix c:\qt-build64 -opengl dynamic -release -openssl-linked -IC:\opensslx64\include -LC:\opensslx64\lib OPENSSL_LIBS="-Lc:\opensslx64\lib -llibeay32 -lssleay32" -icu -IC:\icurlsx64\include -LC:\icurlsx64\lib -mp -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-warnings-are-errors -skip qt3d -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtcharts -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtgamepad -skip qtmacextras -skip qtpurchasing -skip qtscript -skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialport -skip qtserialbus -skip qtwayland -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtspeech -skip qtremoteobjects -skip qtx11extras && jom >compile.log && cd c:\xsdf64 && xcopy /v /f /y "C:\opensslx64\bin\libeay32.dll" "c:\qt-build64\bin\" && xcopy /v /f /y "C:\opensslx64\bin\ssleay32.dll" "c:\qt-build64\bin\" && xcopy /v /f /y "C:\icurlsx64\bin\icudt58.dll" "c:\qt-build64\bin\" && xcopy /v /f /y "C:\icurlsx64\bin\icuin58.dll" "c:\qt-build64\bin\" && xcopy /v /f /y "C:\icurlsx64\bin\icuuc58.dll" "c:\qt-build64\bin\" && xcopy /v /f /y "C:\opensslx64\bin\libeay32.dll" "C:\xsdf64\qtbase\bin" && xcopy /v /f /y "C:\opensslx64\bin\ssleay32.dll" "C:\xsdf64\qtbase\bin" && jom -j1 install >install.log && jom -j1 docs >docs.log && jom -j1 install_docs >install_docs.log
The Error exists only with VS 2017. VS 2015 does get compiled normally.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-60146 WebEngine: Ninja Build Error
- Closed