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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-61530

Main frame does not fit to screen when child widgets are made visible



    • Android


      On Android, when some childs of the QMainWindow are made visible, main frame geometry may not be updated automatically to fit the screen, then some controls are out of screen and not accessible.

      Attached a sample project, it shows one button ("Last button") +  a check box to toggle visibility of 15 others.

      • Open the program (welcoms.png), keep the phone orientation as "portrait"
      • Check the box, see that the fact that some childs were made visible made the "Last button" disappear out of screen
      • Now turn the phone to "landscape" and back to "portrait", now Qt made the buttons height smaller so that the wole frame fits on screen and "Last button" is now visible

      Main frame layout should be updated to fit to screen when childs are made visible...user should not have to manually change screen orientation to trigger that.

      This issue is very annoying to me, a workaround would be appreciated (a function I could call when QEvent::ShowToParent event is detected for instance)



        1. after swap landscape and portrait.png
          62 kB
          Jean Porcherot
        2. after-check.png
          53 kB
          Jean Porcherot
        3. welcome.png
          48 kB
          Jean Porcherot
        4. qtbug_androidsize.zip
          1 kB
          Jean Porcherot
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            bartlomiejmoskal Bartlomiej Moskal
            jpo38 Jean Porcherot
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