Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
P1: Critical
5.10.0 Alpha
Linux Ubuntu 16.04
Android 6.0.1
Android 7.0
QtCreator 4.4.0
When compiling a default created QtQuickControls 2 application with Qt5.10 Alpha either on desktop or android the app doesn't launch randomly with:
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs. QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/main.qml:8 Type ApplicationWindow unavailable file:///usr/local/Qt/5.10.0/gcc_64/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/Material/ApplicationWindow.qml:40 module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed
Can happen like 3 times in a row when pressing "run" then execute perfectly fine, then doesn't happen for the next 5 times, then it's happening again. There seems to be no obvious pattern to it. Style is there and works fine if it launches.