Resolution: Done
P2: Important
MSVC 2015
accessibility: dcc8aa8f4e664283bf7b900bbd07d6b570797eac (5.9, 20.10.2017, 5.9.3)
I'm trying to build Qt 5.9.2 from the source code ( with the following method (wich I used before for build Qt 5.7.0 and it worked):
For MSVC 2015 x85 build:
- Run "VS2015 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt"
- Go to Qt 5.9.2 source folder.
- configure.bat -prefix %CD%\qtbase -opensource -debug-and-release -skip qtwebengine -skip qtquickcontrols -no-icu -no-accessibility -nomake examples -nomake tests -opengl desktop
- nmake
But after some build time I get the error:
error: unable to read PCH file .pch\debug\Qt5Cored_pch.pch: 'no such file or directory' fatal error: PCH file '.pch\debug\Qt5Cored_pch.pch' not found: module file not found
If add -no-pch option to configuration, build go ahead but then again fails with:
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: accessibility_support-private
For the MinGW buidl I even can't configure it:
- Run mingw-w64.bat
- Go to Qt 5.9.2 source code
- configure.bat -prefix %CD%\qtbase -opensource -debug-and-release -skip qtwebengine -skip qtquickcontrols -no-icu -no-accessibility -nomake examples -nomake tests -opengl desktop
And get ther error:
v:\Qt\qt592gcc32>configure.bat -prefix %CD%\qtbase -opensource -debug-and-release -skip qtwebengine -skip qtquickcontrols -no-icu -no-accessibility -nomake examples -nomake tests -opengl desktop + cd qtbase + v:\Qt\qt592gcc32\qtbase\configure.bat -top-level -prefix v:\Qt\qt592gcc32\qtbase -opensource -debug-and-release -skip qtwebengine -skip qtquickcontrols -no-icu -no-accessibility -nomake examples -nomake tests -opengl desktop Bootstrapping qmake ... 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.