Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
P1: Critical
5.9.2, 5.10.0 Beta 4
Android for armeabi_v7a with GCC_4_9
Sdk: 27
Ndk: r15c
When a ConicalGradient is used in qml on Android, pressing the native Android back button causes the application to crash. This was found in a large project, so I created and attached a small example of this happening,
The crash is a Segmentation fault and the stack trace in the QtMainThread when it crashes is:
1 QQuickEventPoint::grabberItem() const 0xdaf75072
2 QQuickWindowPrivate::removeGrabber(QQuickItem *, bool, bool) 0xdaf8d998
3 QQuickItemPrivate::derefWindow() 0xdaf836ca
4 QQuickItem::setParentItem(QQuickItem *) 0xdaf83a12
5 QQuickItem::~QQuickItem() 0xdaf83c3a
6 QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickItem>::~QQmlElement() 0xdaf937d4
7 QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickItem>::~QQmlElement() 0xdaf937ec
8 QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren() 0xe48f7fbe
9 QObject::~QObject() 0xe48f87b8
10 QWindow::~QWindow() 0xdb14ea76
11 QQuickWindow::~QQuickWindow() 0xdaf8c272
12 QQuickWindowQmlImpl::~QQuickWindowQmlImpl() 0xf37faea6
13 QQuickApplicationWindow::~QQuickApplicationWindow() 0xf37f945c
14 ?? 0xd88e737a
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-82617 Crash on exit via back button on Huawei Mate 20 Pro
- In Progress