Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
5.10.0, 5.9.4
Windows 10 x64
Qt 5.10.0 MinGW 5.3
I've downloaded the new 5.10 and try to run the simple map application.
The code just copied from the documentation:
import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtLocation 5.6 import QtPositioning 5.6 Window { width: 512 height: 512 visible: true Plugin { id: mapPlugin name: "osm" } Map { anchors.fill: parent plugin: mapPlugin center: QtPositioning.coordinate(59.91, 10.75) // Oslo zoomLevel: 14 } }
The application crashed with VC++ runtime error message box.
Running in Debug mode gives this error in console:
ASSERT: "!m_thread.isRunning()" in file qqmldebugserver.cpp, line 655
Call stack:
1 std::__atomic_base<QMutexData *>::compare_exchange_strong atomic_base.h 752 0x6b999659 2 std::atomic<QMutexData *>::compare_exchange_strong atomic 462 0x6b999659 3 QAtomicOps<QMutexData *>::testAndSetAcquire<QMutexData *> qatomic_cxx11.h 290 0x6b999659 4 QBasicAtomicPointer<QMutexData>::testAndSetAcquire qbasicatomic.h 262 0x6b999659 5 QBasicMutex::fastTryLock qmutex.h 107 0x6b999659 6 QMutex::lock qmutex.cpp 224 0x6b999659 7 (anonymous namespace)::QQmlValueTypeFactoryImpl::valueType qqmlvaluetype.cpp 140 0x14b03ba 8 (anonymous namespace)::QQmlValueTypeFactoryImpl::isValueType qqmlvaluetype.cpp 86 0x14b05b1 9 QQmlValueTypeFactory::isValueType qqmlvaluetype.cpp 175 0x14b0680 10 QQmlWatchProxy::notifyValueChanged qqmlwatcher.cpp 115 0x35d99b25 11 QQmlWatchProxy::qt_static_metacall qqmlwatcher.moc 70 0x35d99c1c 12 QQmlWatchProxy::qt_metacall qqmlwatcher.moc 103 0x35d9a5ff 13 QMetaObject::metacall qmetaobject.cpp 301 0x6bb14231 14 QMetaObject::activate qobject.cpp 3781 0x6bb3272b 15 QMetaObject::activate qobject.cpp 3628 0x6bb32921 16 QQuickWindow::activeFocusItemChanged moc_qquickwindow.cpp 535 0x242c4c74 17 QQuickWindow::qt_static_metacall moc_qquickwindow.cpp 248 0x242c8740 18 QMetaObject::activate qobject.cpp 3766 0x6bb3268d 19 QMetaObject::activate qobject.cpp 3628 0x6bb32921 20 QWindow::focusObjectChanged moc_qwindow.cpp 782 0xcf0cf82 ... <More>
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-65822 mapviewer crashes on launch
- Closed