Resolution: Invalid
Not Evaluated
* Host: Windows 10 64 bit
* Qt 5.9.3 for Android ARMv7
* NDK r16b
* SDK 25.2.5
I use the QtC, and I want to create and use e.g. a custom Qt positioning plugin. So, I have created a simple project (please see in attachment). This works perfectly, e.g. on Windows, but on Android, this my plugin does not loaded.
Content of plugin pro-file are following:
include(../positionplugin.pri) QT += positioning TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin CONFIG -= app_bundle DESTDIR = $$top_builddir/deploy-apps/apps/position SOURCES += \ fakegeopositioninfosource.cpp \ fakegeopositioninfosourcefactory.cpp HEADERS += \ fakegeopositioninfosource.h \ fakegeopositioninfosourcefactory.h OTHER_FILES += \ plugin.json ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS += $$top_builddir/deploy-apps/apps/position
and the positionplugin.pri file are following:
include(../../common.pri) QT += positioning TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += plugin link_prl CONFIG -= app_bundle DESTDIR = $$top_builddir/deploy-apps/apps/positioner
and the common.pri file are following:
TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget($$TARGET) DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII QT_STRICT_ITERATORS CONFIG += c++14 CONFIG(debug, debug|release):OBJECTS_DIR = debug CONFIG(release, debug|release):OBJECTS_DIR = release
So, at compilation, my binary files (as an application, and as an plugin) are copies into:
<shadow build dir>/deploy-apps/apps/ <shadow build dir>/deploy-apps/position/
And next, when the APK creates, I see, that my plugin is in:
<shadow build dir>/android-build/libs/armeabi-v7a/
But, I also see, that all Qt-plugins in "android-build/libs/armeabi-v7a" directory now has a name's like "libplugins_<plugin type>_<plugin name>".
So, I assume, that my plugin in "android-build/libs/armeabi-v7a" should contains a similar name: "", but this does not happens.
Also, I see that the "<shadow build dir>/android-build/res/values/libs.xml" file does not contain an entry about my plugin.
I have read that I need to use the ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS property in my plugin's pro file:
but it has not any effect.
PS: Also I have read this, but it does not help too.
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-60022 Documentation: ANDROID_EXTRA_PLUGINS needs additional information
- Closed