Resolution: Invalid
Not Evaluated
Migrating to 5.11 version (from Arch Linux repository) caused a regression in my application.
I have a main thread (the QMainWindow), which establishes a connection to a sqlite database, the class SqlQueries, a collection of static functions, and a QThread class, used to export data to a file.
Previously to 5.11 I was able to call a SqlQueries static method from the QThread class.
After upgrading to 5.11 calling a query from the thread class I got the following error:
QSqlDatabasePrivate::database: requested database does not belong to the calling thread. QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open static QString SqlQueries::getName(const int&) ERROR: "" : QSqlError("", "Driver not loaded", "Driver not loaded")
Downgrading to 5.10.1 solves the problem.
Is this a bug or anything changed in API?
Issue Links
- resulted from
QTBUG-216 QSqlDatabase::database() should print a warning when called from the wrong thread
- Closed