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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-71412

Creating a QPointer on the same object in multiple threads can trigger ASSERT: "!weakref.load()" in qsharedpointer_impl.h



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Not Evaluated
    • 5.9.8, 5.11.3, 5.12.0 Beta 4
    • 5.9.7, 5.11.2, 5.12.0 Beta 3
    • Core: Other
    • None
    • Windows 10
    • Windows
    • 3b8075de3b3c842311c157476a85d2cf9ddff403 (qt/qtbase/5.11) 928e77fa14e18773f994be7cf9dcf0da52f39055 (qt/qtbase/5.9)


      I've been getting random crashes caused by a failing assertion in QWeakPointer, used internally by QPointer:

      ASSERT: "!weakref.load()" in file c:\users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\include\qtcore\../../src/corelib/tools/qsharedpointer_impl.h line 155

      I was able to isolate the crash into a simple test case, attached to this bug. The crash is very easy to trigger, usually after a couple iterations.

      The crash is caused by a bug in QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData::getAndRef() that only occurs with specific timing of multiple threads trying to create the QPointer to the same object at the same time, thus the use of a thread pool in my test program.

      I have a simple fix ready to submit on gerrit already. I'm just baffled because git blame shows that this code hasn't changed in the last 8 years, so I guess this is an 8-year-old bug that somehow nobody managed to hit until I did?

      Also interestingly, the test program doesn't hit the assert on Linux. However it happens pretty easily on Windows. Maybe a difference in how quickly QThreadPool spins the worker threads on each platform?

      I've also verified that QPointer is meant to be thread-safe so my usage is correct, which is the case and in fact the bug is part of the code meant to handle the thread safety.


        1. qpointercrashtest.pro
          0.1 kB
          Romain Pokrzywka
        2. main.cpp
          1 kB
          Romain Pokrzywka
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