Resolution: Done
P0: Blocker
5.9.8, 5.11, 5.12.1
Description Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.11.3' into 5.11
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:05 build.go:193: call C:\Users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\tests\auto\gui\kernel\qwindow\target_wrapper.bat release\tst_qwindow.exe -o C:\Users\qt\work\testresults\tests\auto\gui\kernel\qwindow883519764,xml -o -,txt
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:05 build.go:193: ********* Start testing of tst_QWindow *********
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:05 build.go:193: Config: Using QtTest library 5.11.3, Qt 5.11.3 (x86_64-little_endian-llp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2015)
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:05 build.go:193: PASS : tst_QWindow::initTestCase()
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: FAIL! : tst_QWindow::isActive() Compared values are not the same
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: Actual (((window.received(QEvent::FocusIn)))): 4
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: Expected (3) : 3
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: tst_qwindow.cpp(887) : failure location
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: FAIL! : tst_QWindow::testInputEvents() Compared values are not the same
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: Actual (window.mousePressButton): 0
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: Expected (int(Qt::LeftButton)) : 1
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:22 build.go:193: tst_qwindow.cpp(1066) : failure location
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:38 build.go:193: FAIL! : tst_QWindow::modalDialogClosingOneOfTwoModal() Compared pointers are not the same
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:38 build.go:193: tst_qwindow.cpp(1958) : failure location
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:38 build.go:193: PASS : tst_QWindow::modalWithChildWindow()
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:39 build.go:193: PASS : tst_QWindow::modalWindowModallity()
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:39 build.go:193: PASS : tst_QWindow::modalWindowPosition()
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:54 build.go:193: FAIL! : tst_QWindow::modalWindowEnterEventOnHide_QTBUG35109() Compared values are not the same
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:54 build.go:193: Actual (((root.enterEventCount))): 0
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:54 build.go:193: Expected (1) : 1
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:54 build.go:193: tst_qwindow.cpp(2077) : failure location
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:55 build.go:193: PASS : tst_QWindow::cleanupTestCase()
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:55 build.go:193: Totals: 49 passed, 4 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 49102ms
agent:2018/12/05 06:13:55 build.go:193: ********* Finished testing of tst_QWindow *********
All windows10 failed same.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-72344 tst_qwindow is failing on Windows
- Closed
- relates to
QTBUG-72305 tst_qquickwidget::enterLeave is flaky on Windows
- Closed
- resulted from
QTBUG-35109 Mouse enterEvent missing from widget when closing non-modal dialog
- Closed