Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Critical for 4.6.1:
337931b28cb1157512ae2b6ab67ceaaf63bf1e48 - Removed QtWebkit.dll from Qt.sis in Symbian builds - QTBUG-6841
784374ac949ecf2fdc6895908e1e4dfe938931b8 - Deploy sqlite3.sis instead of sqlite3.dll in Symbian - QTBUG-4879
32419380bdd11e7db401fd37a840e0ec4f5b6845 - Enable building with MSVC2008
Important for 4.6.1:
0e94349de0b602f1b6af747b66ef03b22133cc3a - Deal with test cases that crash or hang (Probably required to make 32419380bdd11e7db401fd37a840e0ec4f5b6845 and e2f2765b52508515874edea7015c01eb95ff89be merge nicely, and important anyway)
1ae7c8d8f549cadda4780835d85235085cc5583c - Fixed "run" makefile target documentation for Symbian
e2f2765b52508515874edea7015c01eb95ff89be - Separated "make run" and "make runonphone" targets
Would be nice for 4.6.1:
60d27f4b9fd2dbed204260334b817ce41788cb3e - Added UIDs and icons to some webkit examples
NOTE: Two of the criticals have their own tasks, so those SHAs are not included in changes field of this task. I added them to this list just to underline that they need to go in 4.6.1 or there is a good chance that we will face some very nasty Qt.sis installation problems in the future. Binary installer build also expects the webkit sis separation to be done.