Resolution: Duplicate
P2: Important
This very simple program used to work perfectly when using Qt 5.6 on Android, it now fails with Qt 5.12. On Windows, it works with both versions.
It's very simple, just creating a helper to catch QGesture events and notify a specified class.
#ifndef RMCWRAPPER_H #define RMCWRAPPER_H #include <QObject> #include <QPoint> class QWidget; class TapAndHoldWrapper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TapAndHoldWrapper( QWidget* parent, QObject* receiver = NULL, const char* slot = NULL ); ~TapAndHoldWrapper(); bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event); signals: void requested( QPoint globalPos ); private: QWidget* m_parent; }; #endif
#include "gesture.h" #include <QWidget> #include <QEvent> #include <QGestureEvent> TapAndHoldWrapper::TapAndHoldWrapper( QWidget* parent, QObject* receiver, const char* slot ) : QObject( parent ), m_parent( parent ) { m_parent->installEventFilter( this ); m_parent->grabGesture( Qt::TapAndHoldGesture ); if ( receiver && slot ) connect( this, SIGNAL(requested(QPoint)), receiver, slot ); } TapAndHoldWrapper::~TapAndHoldWrapper() { } bool TapAndHoldWrapper::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if ( event->type() == QEvent::Gesture && obj == m_parent ) { QGestureEvent *gestevent = static_cast<QGestureEvent *>(event); if (QGesture *gest = gestevent->gesture(Qt::TapAndHoldGesture)) { if ( gest && gest->state() == Qt::GestureFinished ) QPoint globalPos = gest->hotSpot().toPoint(); emit requested( globalPos ); return true; } } } // standard event processing return QObject::eventFilter(obj, event); }
#ifndef MAINWIDGET_H #define MAINWIDGET_H #include <QMainWindow> class TapAndHoldWrapper;class MainWidget : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWidget(QWidget *parent = 0); public slots: void showMenu( QPoint pt ); private: TapAndHoldWrapper* helper; }; #endif
#include "mainwidget.h" #include "gesture.h" #include <QScreen> #include <QGuiApplication> #include <QTreeWidget> #include <QLabel> #include <QMessageBox> MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent) { QTreeWidget* widget = new QTreeWidget(this); setCentralWidget(widget); helper = new TapAndHoldWrapper( widget, this, SLOT(showMenu(QPoint)) ); } void MainWidget::showMenu( QPoint pt ) { QMessageBox::information( this, "", "gesture detected" ); }
#include "mainwidget.h" #include <QApplication> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); MainWidget w;; return app.exec(); }
`TapAndHoldWrapper` used to catch the event and make `MainWidget::showMenu` be invoked. It does not anymore. It works perfectly when the `QMainWindow`'s central widget is a `QLabel`, but it fails when it's a `QTreeWidget`.
The log reports this error (new in Qt 5.12):
W/ QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method
Is there anything special that needs to be done for `QTreeWidget` to work smartly with gestures on Android with Qt 5.12? Is there somthing special to be done with input methods? I tried to call `widget->setInputMethodHints( Qt::InputMethodHint::ImhNone );` but it did not help...