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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-74076

The application is crash or will hang when request permission, after the native Android keyboard.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 5.12.4, 5.14.0 Alpha
    • 5.12.1
    • None
    • Android
    • 9ca81260e9293f6ef9a8e8da08eda7bdbdb90a7d (qt/qtbase/5.12)



      • Start application.
      • Click on the TextField for opening the native Android keyboard.
      • Close the native Android keyboard.
      • Swipe on page 2 "Open Camera".  
      • Click the button "Camera".
      • Choose something in request camera permission dialogue and watch on the application output, you see written below.
      • The second time this sequence doesn't reproduce the problem, because we don't have camera permission dialogue.

      Similar bug: 

      1. QTBUG-72549
      2. QTBUG-72747
      3. QTBUG-72101

      Application output:

      The Nexus 6

      W linker : /data/data/org.qtproject.example.CameraTest/qt-reserved-files/qml/QtMultimedia/libdeclarative_multimedia.so: unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x80

      I art : Thread[3,tid=27264,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xa3044800,peer=0x12c54280,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3

      02-26 11:40:42.267 27258 27264 I art :

      I art : Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt' 

      "org.qtproject.example.CameraTest" died.

      The Xiaomi RedmiX

      W linker : /data/data/org.qtproject.example.CameraTest/qt-reserved-files/qml/QtMultimedia/libdeclarative_multimedia.so: unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x80

      I Timeline: Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:72627577 intent:Intent { act=android.content.pm.action.REQUEST_PERMISSIONS pkg=com.google.android.packageinstaller (has extras) }

      I art : Thread[3,tid=3603,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xe5a8dd00,peer=0x12c355e0,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3

      02-26 12:21:51.645 3594 3603 I art :

      I art : Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt' 

      "org.qtproject.example.CameraTest" died.

      The Google Pixel 2

      W linker : Warning: "/data/data/org.qtproject.example.CameraTest/qt-reserved-files/qml/QtMultimedia/libdeclarative_multimedia.so" has unsupported flags DT_FLAGS_1=0x80 (ignoring unsupported flags)

      I mple.CameraTes: Thread[3,tid=18351,WaitingInMainSignalCatcherLoop,Thread*=0xf2ec8c00,peer=0x12d00098,"Signal Catcher"]: reacting to signal 3

      02-26 12:25:48.661 18345 18351 I mple.CameraTes:

      I mple.CameraTes: Wrote stack traces to '[tombstoned]'

       "org.qtproject.example.CameraTest" died.


        1. Screenshot_20190226-112456.png
          14 kB
          Tetiana Giss
        2. CameraTest.7z
          2 kB
          Tetiana Giss
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            valentyn.doroshchuk Valentyn Doroshchuk
            tetiana Tetiana Giss
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