Resolution: Done
P3: Somewhat important
- C++ development
- Installation possibilities
- Integration to existing build systems
- Artifacts
- Using extra languages over tools
- Qt developers & application developers
Below just my personal notes.
Getting Conan
Conan has native installers, but it is heavily recommended by their website to use the python installer. I had a Python3 installation on windows, and therefore could just run
pip install conan
This pulled in more 31 additional Python packages (for me), but installation was easy.
Exploring packages
So what packages (or, in conan lingo: recipes) are available? By default only is configured as remote, which features around 190 recipes.
Some weirdness: conan search xxx r=all works case sensitively, although the documentation claims it does not (on Windows). Actually I want to search case insensitively, but the option is only -case-sensitive.
Building wip/cmake
Let's check which tools and libs conan provides by default:
perl: Yes strawberryperl/
cmake: Yes, though not latest: cmake_installer/3.13.0@conan/stable
Building qtbase (wip/cmake) with Conan on Windows
CMake Integration
There's multiple ways on how to integrate Conan in a CMake app. The default way is intrusive (you change your own cmake scripts), but there's also the possibility to let CMake find modules in Conan by setting CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE.
Open questions
How is package /repository integrity ensured?
Issue Links
- is required for
QTBUG-74405 Qt6: Research on package managers
- Closed