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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-75068

Incorrect modal dialog after QWidget::createWindowContainer(QWindow::fromWinId())



    • Windows


      App is composed of two processes a Main and a Embedded. Main processes create the Embedded by using QProcess. The Main is attaching the Embedded window by using QWindow::fromWinId() and QWidget::createWindowContainer(). Main widget and Embedded widget have buttons for creation QDialog and QFileDialog.

      Button "Main widget modal dialog" works correctly
      Button "Main widget file dialog" works correctly
      Button "Embeded widget modal dialog" don't works correctly
      Button"Embeded widget file dialog" works correctly

      Test case for embeded widget modal QDialog:

      1. Launch attached example ModalDialog.zip
      2. Click button "Embeded widget modal dialog".
        Embeded widget modal dialog will open
      3. Click main widget heder. Main widget is available

        But the main widget must be unavailable.
      4. Drag main widget

        But the main widget must be unavailable.
      5. Click button "Main widget file dialog"

        But the main widget must be unavailable.

      Note:  QFileDialog ( Click button"Embeded widget file dialog") do main widget is unavailable

      Request: for modal QDialog ensure behavior similar modal QFileDialog


        1. Click_embedded_widget_button.png
          13 kB
          Dmitriy Zhdanov
        2. Click_ main_widget heder.png
          12 kB
          Dmitriy Zhdanov
        3. Click_main widget_button .png
          19 kB
          Dmitriy Zhdanov
        4. Drag_main_widget.png
          19 kB
          Dmitriy Zhdanov
        5. ModalDialog.zip
          2 kB
          Dmitriy Zhdanov
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