Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
uic.exe in Qt 5.3 or older won't work with following error message even having active license.
This software is using the trial version of the Qt GUI toolkit. The trial period has expired. If you need more time to evaluate Qt, or if you have any questions about Qt, contact us at:
qtbase\src\corelib\kernel\qtcore_eval.cpp in Qt 5.12.3
static int qt_eval_days_left() { const volatile char *const expiry_date = qt_eval_expiry_date + 12; QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); QDate lastday = QDate::fromString( QString::fromLatin1(const_cast<const char*>(expiry_date)), Qt::ISODate); return today.daysTo(lastday); } static bool qt_eval_is_expired() { return qt_eval_days_left() < 0; }
qtbase\src\corelib\kernel\qtcore_eval.cpp in Qt 5.3.2
static int qt_eval_days_left() { QDate today = QDate::currentDate(); QDate build = QLibraryInfo::buildDate(); return qMax<qint64>(-1, today.daysTo(build) + 30); } static bool qt_eval_is_expired() { return qt_eval_days_left() < 0; }
Expected: uic.exe works and output ui_mainwindow.h
Actual: Showing error message and not output ui_mainwindow.h