Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
5.13.0, 5.15
windows: windows 10 x64
Android : Android 8.1
I'm trying to build an app for both android and desktop with qt 5.13 and facing some problems with QCompleter and QLineEdit on android the completer doesn't popup on android and when I finish insert a word that is in the list of the completer the completer doubles the content of QLineEdit and I can't clear the QLineEdit or do anything with it again , every time I touch it the contents is copied and pasted
this is the code I'm using QCompleter in :
in header file :
namespace Ui { class DictionaryGui; } class DictionaryGui : public QMainWindow{ Q_OBJECT public: explicit DictionaryGui(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~DictionaryGui(); private slots: void on_SearchBtn_clicked(); private: Ui::DictionaryGui *ui; QStringListModel mdl; QCompleter completer; };
in cpp file
DictionaryGui::DictionaryGui(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::DictionaryGui), completer(&mdl) { ui->setupUi(this); QScroller::grabGesture(ui->ResultsList); ui->DictionaryWidget->setStyleSheet("QWidget#DictionaryWidget \ {background-color: rgb(144, 202, 249);}"); QString input_style = R"##( QLineEdit { border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 10px; } QLineEdit:focus { border: 3px solid #55aaff; })##"; ui->InputText->setStyleSheet(input_style); int id = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont(":/icons/gulf-semibold.ttf"); if (id != -1){QString font_family = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(id).at(0); QFont font(font_family, 14); qDebug() << "[*] loaded the font : " << font_family; ui->InputText->setFont(font); } else { qDebug() << "[!] failed to load the font !\n"; } QStringList list({"word", "man", "human", "test", "world", "wonder", "what", u8"كلمة", u8"كلام" , u8"كلهم", u8"كلا", u8"كلاهما"}); mdl.setStringList(list); completer.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); completer.setFilterMode(Qt::MatchStartsWith); ui->InputText->setCompleter(&completer); }
on windows this works well :
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