Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Bug Fixing Candidates
Launch the following in qmlscene to reproduce the segfault:
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 Rectangle { height: 400 width: 400 Column { anchors.fill: parent QtObject { id: viewModel property string aa: 'somea' property string bb: 'long_long_crazy_87235982735_23857239682376923876923876-fuwhfhfw-names-AAAA-deeaois2019-03-03.and.more' //property string bb: 'someb' property string cc: 'somec' property string dd: 'somed' property string ee: 'somee' property string ff: 'somef' } GridLayout { columns: 2 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right Repeater { model: ["aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee", "ff"] Label { Layout.row: index Layout.column: 0 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true font.pixelSize: 20 text: modelData + ":" wrapMode: Text.Wrap } } Repeater { model: [viewModel.aa,,, viewModel.dd,, viewModel.ff] Label { Layout.row: index Layout.column: 1 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true font.pixelSize: 20 text: modelData wrapMode: Text.Wrap } } } } }
If you comment out the line with the string that contains "long_long_crazy_8723598...", and instead set that string property to "short_string", then qmlscene can launch this file without crashing.
To gain some preliminary insight into this crash, launch qmlscene under gdb and set a breakpoint in QQuickGridLayoutBase::rearrange(QSizeF const&) of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:485
Let gdb hit the breakpoint 25 times, and note the call stack. Then let gdb hit the breakpoint a total of 50 times, then 100, and continue to look at the call stack each time.
The call stack deepens and deepens and deepens until the program crashes.
This is what you will see repeated endlessly in the call stack:
0 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::rearrange of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:485 1 in QQuickLayout::geometryChanged of qquicklayout.cpp:814 2 in QQuickItem::setImplicitSize of items/qquickitem.cpp:6926 3 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::invalidate of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:398 4 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::rearrange of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:488 5 in QQuickLayout::geometryChanged of qquicklayout.cpp:814 6 in QQuickItem::setImplicitSize of items/qquickitem.cpp:6926 7 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::invalidate of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:398 8 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::rearrange of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:488 9 in QQuickLayout::geometryChanged of qquicklayout.cpp:814 10 in QQuickItem::setImplicitSize of items/qquickitem.cpp:6926 11 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::invalidate of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:398 12 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::rearrange of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:488 13 in QQuickLayout::geometryChanged of qquicklayout.cpp:814 14 in QQuickItem::setImplicitSize of items/qquickitem.cpp:6926 15 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::invalidate of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:398 16 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::rearrange of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:488 ... 76 in QQuickGridLayoutBase::rearrange of qquicklinearlayout.cpp:488 77 in QQuickLayout::geometryChanged of qquicklayout.cpp:814 78 in QQuickItem::setWidth of items/qquickitem.cpp:6661 79 in QQuickAnchorsPrivate::setItemWidth of items/qquickanchors.cpp:407 80 in QQuickAnchorsPrivate::updateHorizontalAnchors of items/qquickanchors.cpp:757 81 in QQuickAnchorsPrivate::itemGeometryChanged of items/qquickanchors.cpp:506 82 in QQuickItem::geometryChanged of items/qquickitem.cpp:3798 83 in QQuickItem::setSize of items/qquickitem.cpp:6982 84 in QQuickAnchorsPrivate::setItemSize of items/qquickanchors.cpp:435 85 in QQuickAnchorsPrivate::fillChanged of items/qquickanchors.cpp:212 86 in QQuickAnchorsPrivate::update of items/qquickanchors.cpp:484 87 in QQuickAnchorsPrivate::updateOnComplete of items/qquickanchors.cpp:474 88 in QQuickItem::componentComplete of items/qquickitem.cpp:5054 89 in QQuickBasePositioner::componentComplete of items/qquickpositioners.cpp:259 90 in QQmlObjectCreator::finalize of qml/qqmlobjectcreator.cpp:1364 91 in QQmlComponentPrivate::complete of qml/qqmlcomponent.cpp:923 92 in QQmlComponentPrivate::completeCreate of qml/qqmlcomponent.cpp:959 93 in QQmlComponent::completeCreate of qml/qqmlcomponent.cpp:951 94 in QQmlComponent::create of qml/qqmlcomponent.cpp:785 95 in main of main.cpp:620
This bug is similar to QTBUG-40220, but in my case there is no "polish loop warning." In my case there is no warning shown at all.
The call stack shown above is essentially the same as in (already closed ticket) QTBUG-55051, but in QTBUG-55051 the user did not manage to provide a minimal reproducible example.
The qml code that I list above might not be idiomatic or ideal. However, a framework that exists to parse and render scripts and/or markup should not segfault when doing so, no matter how "bad" the scripts/markup are. This would be like crashing a C++ compiler when you write incorrect C++, or crashing a python interpreter when you write unpythonic python. (This paragraph was added because in other QTBUG tickets I have seen framework issues being apparently minimized by pointing out that someone wrote "poor" or "incorrect" qml. I hope a crash will not be minimized, even if my qml is poor.)
Having said that, I will glady accept advice on how to rewrite the above qml to avoid to the segfault! (Thanks in advance.)
I also hope the segfault can be fixed, even if only by replacing it with some output to stderr and a refusal to render the offending element(s).
My knowledge of Qt Layout internals is too vague for me to offer a patch at this time. However, I might try my hand at adding some test coverage in this area. (Tips toward that end appreciated!)
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-73683 QML - RowLayout + Text with WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere hangs/crashes on changing width
- Closed
QTBUG-87253 Quick Layout causes crash if child item Layout.preferredWidth bound to the Layouts width
- Closed
- resulted in
QTBUG-86773 [REG 5.13.2-5.15.1] Qt.ToolTipRole HTML bug
- Reported
QTBUG-86671 Table cells overlap with image and relative width
- Closed
QTBUG-91691 [REG: 5.15.0->5.15.1] QTextDocument tables with colspan collapses the starting column to minimum size
- Closed
QTBUG-97463 Showing Large image in QTextBrowser table overlaps
- Closed
For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-77337 | ||||||
# | Subject | Branch | Project | Status | CR | V |
298772,1 | Test to demonstrate unexpected behavior with QQuickText implicit size | dev | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: ABANDONED | -1 | 0 |
298844,5 | Fix bug in QTextLayout::min/maxWidth for WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere | dev | qt/qtbase | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
298992,2 | Fix QTextLayout::minimumWidth for WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere | dev | qt/qtbase | Status: ABANDONED | +1 | 0 |
300974,2 | Fix bug in QTextLayout::min/maxWidth for WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere | 5.15 | qt/qtbase | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |