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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-77628

[REG 5.12 -> 5.13] QRotationReading is incorrect in range and values on Android



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • P1: Critical
    • None
    • 5.13.0
    • Sensors
    • None
    • See attached sysinfo.txt
    • Android


      URGENT: I have an app that uses the QRotationSensor to detect when the phone is turned over.  It works in 5.12 but not in 5.13.  Upon investigation I found that the values are incorrect in both range and value.  For example, the x range is defined as [-90, 90] but I'm seeing more like [-50, 50].  When the phone is placed vertically, the x value should read 90 but I see -25.
      To reproduce: 

      1. From Qt Creator, use the example named "Qt Sensors - QML example"
      2. Replace the file qmlqtsensors.qml with the attached version (replaces TiltSensor with RotationSensor).
      3. Build and deploy to an Android phone.
      4. Place phone flat on surface.
      5. Start app.  Start sensors.  Expected reading: x=0, y=0.  Actual reading: x=0, y=40.
      6. Rotate around x axis so phone is vertical.  Expected reading: x=90, y=0.  Actual reading: x=-25, y=25 (ish).

      Tested on Moto G5 Plus (armv7 32 bit) and Galaxy Note 8 (armv8 64 bit)
      This is URGENT because Google now requires a 64 bit version for apps using native libraries.  In order to comply with that, I need to use Qt 5.13.


        1. sysinfo.txt
          10 kB
        2. qmlqtsensors.qml
          10 kB

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