Resolution: Fixed
P3: Somewhat important
491e25e10 (dev), 9cc525731 (6.7)
The phong fragment shader `` in `extras/shaders/gl3`, does not correctly handle the ambient color portion according to the phong model.
A good link explaining the formula for phong shading is for example:
Especially, the following line in `` seems to be very unlikely to be correct:
// Combine spec with ambient+diffuse for final fragment color
vec3 color = (ambient.rgb + diffuseColor) * diffuse.rgb
+ specularColor * specular.rgb;
If one factor out the above line, especially the prodcut
does not look very convincing. There is no light factor after all.
A more sound solution correctly handling ambient color portion might be given by the following file:
#pragma include void adsModel(const in vec3 worldPos, const in vec3 worldNormal, const in vec3 worldView, const in float shininess, out vec3 ambientColor, // ADDED out vec3 diffuseColor, out vec3 specularColor) { diffuseColor = vec3(0.0); specularColor = vec3(0.0); ambientColor = vec3(0.0); // We perform all work in world space vec3 n = normalize(worldNormal); vec3 s = vec3(0.0); for (int i = 0; i < lightCount; ++i) { float att = 1.0; float sDotN = 0.0; if (lights[i].type != TYPE_DIRECTIONAL) { // Point and Spot lights // Light position is already in world space vec3 sUnnormalized = lights[i].position - worldPos; s = normalize(sUnnormalized); // Light direction // Calculate the attenuation factor sDotN = dot(s, n); if (sDotN > 0.0) { if (lights[i].constantAttenuation != 0.0 || lights[i].linearAttenuation != 0.0 || lights[i].quadraticAttenuation != 0.0) { float dist = length(sUnnormalized); att = 1.0 / (lights[i].constantAttenuation + lights[i].linearAttenuation * dist + lights[i].quadraticAttenuation * dist * dist); } // The light direction is in world space already if (lights[i].type == TYPE_SPOT) { // Check if fragment is inside or outside of the spot light cone if (degrees(acos(dot(-s, lights[i].direction))) > lights[i].cutOffAngle) sDotN = 0.0; } } } else { // Directional lights // The light direction is in world space already s = normalize(-lights[i].direction); sDotN = dot(s, n); } // Calculate the diffuse factor float diffuse = max(sDotN, 0.0); // Calculate the specular factor float specular = 0.0; if (diffuse > 0.0 && shininess > 0.0) { float normFactor = (shininess + 2.0) / 2.0; vec3 r = reflect(-s, n); // Reflection direction in world space specular = normFactor * pow(max(dot(r, worldView), 0.0), shininess); } // Accumulate the diffuse and specular contributions ambientColor + =att * lights[i].intensity * 1.0 * lights[i].color; // ADDED diffuseColor += att * lights[i].intensity * diffuse * lights[i].color; specularColor += att * lights[i].intensity * specular * lights[i].color; } } vec4 phongFunction(const in vec4 ambient, const in vec4 diffuse, const in vec4 specular, const in float shininess, const in vec3 worldPosition, const in vec3 worldView, const in vec3 worldNormal) { // Calculate the lighting model, keeping the specular component separate vec3 diffuseColor, specularColor; adsModel(worldPosition, worldNormal, worldView, shininess, ambientColor, diffuseColor, specularColor); // CHANGED vec3 color = ambientColor * ambient.rgb + diffuseColor * diffuse.rgb + specularColor * specular.rgb; /// CHANGED return vec4(color, diffuse.a); }
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-120241 Incorrect handling of ambient color in phong shaders in qt3d (Regression)
- Closed