Resolution: Fixed
P2: Important
On my application as well as the heartrate game/server examples, when running the bluetooth LE server/slave on an android phone and trying to communicate with it from a Windows 10 PC (Build 1903), using Qt bluetooth's WinRT backend, it fails on the discoverDetails call, with the following output:
qt.bluetooth.winrt.service.thread: QLowEnergyControllerPrivateWinRTNew::discoverServiceDetails Changing service pointer from thread QThread(0x149134552c0) qt.bluetooth.winrt: Obtaining list of included services failed
This does not occur when using for example another computer running the server/slave on Linux, or on the other end when connecting to the android phone from another OS (such as once again Linux), it seems to be reliably failing when the slaves are android phones (tested with multiple android devices) and the master a windows PC using the WinRT backend (tested with multiple PCs).
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-82979 Windows RT Bluetooth Low Energy GetIncludedServicesAsync should be allowed to fail
- Closed