Resolution: Duplicate
P3: Somewhat important
4.6.3, 4.7.2
Windows 7 SP1
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
The tooltip set on a QTextCharFormat is not displayed when using the QSyntaxHighlighter setFormat method to format a block of text.
Changing the constructor in the highlighter.cpp file from the SyntaxHighlighter example to the code below has no effect.
Maybe it is not supposed to work, but in that case a hint in the documentation would be nice.
//! [0] Highlighter::Highlighter(QTextDocument *parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent) { HighlightingRule rule; keywordFormat.setForeground(Qt::darkBlue); keywordFormat.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold); // THIS NEXT LINE SEEMS TO HAVE NO EFFECT keywordFormat.setToolTip("Test tooltip"); QStringList keywordPatterns; keywordPatterns << "\\bchar\\b" << "\\bclass\\b" << "\\bconst\\b" << "\\bdouble\\b" << "\\benum\\b" << "\\bexplicit\\b" << "\\bfriend\\b" << "\\binline\\b" << "\\bint\\b" << "\\blong\\b" << "\\bnamespace\\b" << "\\boperator\\b" << "\\bprivate\\b" << "\\bprotected\\b" << "\\bpublic\\b" << "\\bshort\\b" << "\\bsignals\\b" << "\\bsigned\\b" << "\\bslots\\b" << "\\bstatic\\b" << "\\bstruct\\b" << "\\btemplate\\b" << "\\btypedef\\b" << "\\btypename\\b" << "\\bunion\\b" << "\\bunsigned\\b" << "\\bvirtual\\b" << "\\bvoid\\b" << "\\bvolatile\\b"; foreach (const QString &pattern, keywordPatterns) { rule.pattern = QRegExp(pattern); rule.format = keywordFormat; highlightingRules.append(rule); //! [0] //! [1] } //! [1] //! [2] classFormat.setFontWeight(QFont::Bold); classFormat.setForeground(Qt::darkMagenta); rule.pattern = QRegExp("\\bQ[A-Za-z]+\\b"); rule.format = classFormat; highlightingRules.append(rule); //! [2] //! [3] singleLineCommentFormat.setForeground(Qt::red); rule.pattern = QRegExp("//[^\n]*"); rule.format = singleLineCommentFormat; highlightingRules.append(rule); multiLineCommentFormat.setForeground(Qt::red); //! [3] //! [4] quotationFormat.setForeground(Qt::darkGreen); rule.pattern = QRegExp("\".*\""); rule.format = quotationFormat; highlightingRules.append(rule); //! [4] //! [5] functionFormat.setFontItalic(true); functionFormat.setForeground(Qt::blue); rule.pattern = QRegExp("\\b[A-Za-z0-9_]+(?=\\()"); rule.format = functionFormat; highlightingRules.append(rule); //! [5] //! [6] commentStartExpression = QRegExp("/\\*"); commentEndExpression = QRegExp("\\*/"); }
Debugging showed that QTextFormat::setProperty is called correctly, but QTextFormat::stringProperty returns an empty string, because prop.userType() is not QVariant::String. Also, the d-Pointer is different from the one in setProperty.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-80524 QTextCharFormat tool tips not shown when using QSyntaxHighlighter
- Reported