Uploaded image for project: 'Qt'
  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-82777

Fusion style: No text in gallery example



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Out of scope
    • P1: Critical
    • None
    • 5.15.0 Beta1
    • Quick: Controls 2
    • None
    • WinRT


      1. Run the gallery example in Fusion style.
        It's in Examples\Qt-5.15.0\quickcontrols2\gallery\gallery.qml in an installation from the online installer.
      2. Show the "Dialog" page.
      3. Click one of the buttons.
        No text will be shown. The explaining texts on each page are missing, too.
      Qt 5.14.1 (i386-little_endian-ilp32 shared (dynamic) release build; by MSVC 2017) on "windows" 
      OS: Windows 10 Version 1909 [winnt version 10.0.18363]
      Architecture: x86_64; features: SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX
      Features: QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS
      Library info:
        PrefixPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin
        DocumentationPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\doc
        HeadersPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\include
        LibrariesPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin
        LibraryExecutablesPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\bin
        BinariesPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin
        PluginsPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\plugins
        ImportsPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\imports
        Qml2ImportsPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\qml
        ArchDataPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin
        DataPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin
        TranslationsPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\translations
        ExamplesPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\examples
        TestsPath: C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\tests
      Standard paths [*...* denote writable entry]:
        DesktopLocation: "Desktop" *C:\Users\rob\Desktop*
        DocumentsLocation: "Documents" *C:\Users\rob\Documents*
        FontsLocation: "Fonts" *C:\WINDOWS\Fonts*
        ApplicationsLocation: "Applications" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs*
        MusicLocation: "Music" *C:\Users\rob\Music*
        MoviesLocation: "Movies" *C:\Users\rob\Videos*
        PicturesLocation: "Pictures" *C:\Users\rob\Pictures*
        TempLocation: "Temporary Directory" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\Temp*
        HomeLocation: "Home" *C:\Users\rob*
        AppLocalDataLocation: "Application Data" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\QtProject\qtdiag* C:\ProgramData\QtProject\qtdiag C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data\QtProject\qtdiag
        CacheLocation: "Cache" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\QtProject\qtdiag\cache*
        GenericDataLocation: "Shared Data" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local* C:\ProgramData C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data
        RuntimeLocation: "Runtime" *C:\Users\rob*
        ConfigLocation: "Configuration" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\QtProject\qtdiag* C:\ProgramData\QtProject\qtdiag C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data\QtProject\qtdiag
        DownloadLocation: "Download" *C:\Users\rob\Downloads*
        GenericCacheLocation: "Shared Cache" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\cache*
        GenericConfigLocation: "Shared Configuration" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local* C:\ProgramData C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data
        AppDataLocation: "Application Data" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Roaming\QtProject\qtdiag* C:\ProgramData\QtProject\qtdiag C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data\QtProject\qtdiag
        AppConfigLocation: "Application Configuration" *C:\Users\rob\AppData\Local\QtProject\qtdiag* C:\ProgramData\QtProject\qtdiag C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data C:\Qt-03.06e\Tools\QtCreator\bin\data\QtProject\qtdiag
      File selectors (increasing order of precedence):
        de_DE windows winnt
        Using "OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019", version: 0x1010104f
      Platform capabilities: ThreadedPixmaps OpenGL ThreadedOpenGL WindowMasks MultipleWindows ForeignWindows NonFullScreenWindows NativeWidgets WindowManagement RasterGLSurface AllGLFunctionsQueryable
      Style hints:
        mouseDoubleClickInterval: 270
        mousePressAndHoldInterval: 800
        startDragDistance: 10
        startDragTime: 500
        startDragVelocity: 0
        keyboardInputInterval: 400
        keyboardAutoRepeatRate: 32
        cursorFlashTime: 1060
        showIsFullScreen: 0
        showIsMaximized: 0
        passwordMaskDelay: 0
        passwordMaskCharacter: U+25CF
        fontSmoothingGamma: 1.4
        useRtlExtensions: 0
        setFocusOnTouchRelease: 0
        tabFocusBehavior: Qt::TabFocusAllControls 
        singleClickActivation: 0
      Additional style hints (QPlatformIntegration):
        ReplayMousePressOutsidePopup: 1
        Platforms requested : windows
                  available : snap,flatpak,xdgdesktopportal
        Styles requested    : WindowsVista,Windows
               available    : windowsvista,Windows,Fusion
        System font         : "MS Shell Dlg 2" 8
        Native file dialog
        General font : "MS Shell Dlg 2" 8
        Fixed font   : "Courier New" 9
        Title font   : "MS Shell Dlg 2" 8
        Smallest font: "MS Shell Dlg 2" 8
        QPalette::WindowText: #ff000000
        QPalette::Button: #fff0f0f0
        QPalette::Light: #ffffffff
        QPalette::Midlight: #ffe3e3e3
        QPalette::Dark: #ffa0a0a0
        QPalette::Mid: #ffa0a0a0
        QPalette::Text: #ff000000
        QPalette::BrightText: #ffffffff
        QPalette::ButtonText: #ff000000
        QPalette::Base: #ffffffff
        QPalette::Window: #fff0f0f0
        QPalette::Shadow: #ff696969
        QPalette::Highlight: #ff0078d7
        QPalette::HighlightedText: #ffffffff
        QPalette::Link: #ff0000ff
        QPalette::LinkVisited: #ffff00ff
        QPalette::AlternateBase: #ffe9e7e3
        QPalette::NoRole: #ff000000
        QPalette::ToolTipBase: #ffffffdc
        QPalette::ToolTipText: #ff000000
        QPalette::PlaceholderText: #80000000
      Screens: 2, High DPI scaling: inactive
      # 0 "\\.\DISPLAY2" Depth: 32 Primary: yes
        Serial number: 
        Geometry: 3840x2160+0+0 Available: 3840x2100+0+0
        Virtual geometry: 5760x2175+0+0 Available: 5760x2175+0+0
        2 virtual siblings
        Physical size: 708x399 mm  Refresh: 60 Hz Power state: 0
        Physical DPI: 137.763,137.504 Logical DPI: 144,144 Subpixel_RGB
        DevicePixelRatio: 1 Pixel density: 1
        Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0 OrientationUpdateMask: 0
      # 1 "\\.\DISPLAY1" Depth: 32 Primary: no
        Serial number: 
        Geometry: 1920x1200+3840+975 Available: 1920x1200+3840+975
        Virtual geometry: 5760x2175+0+0 Available: 5760x2175+0+0
        2 virtual siblings
        Physical size: 518x324 mm  Refresh: 59 Hz Power state: 0
        Physical DPI: 94.1467,94.0741 Logical DPI: 96,96 Subpixel_RGB
        DevicePixelRatio: 1 Pixel density: 1
        Primary orientation: 2 Orientation: 2 Native orientation: 0 OrientationUpdateMask: 0
      Dynamic GL LibGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
      Renderer: GeForce GT 640/PCIe/SSE2
      Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 441.12
      Shading language: 4.60 NVIDIA
      Format: Version: 4.6 Profile: 2 Swap behavior: 2 Buffer size (RGBA): 8,8,8,8 Depth buffer: 24 Stencil buffer: 8
      Profile: None (QOpenGLFunctions_4_6)
      Vulkan instance available
      Supported instance extensions:
        VK_KHR_device_group_creation, version 1
        VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities, version 1
        VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities, version 1
        VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities, version 1
        VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2, version 1
        VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2, version 1
        VK_KHR_surface, version 25
        VK_KHR_surface_protected_capabilities, version 1
        VK_KHR_win32_surface, version 6
        VK_EXT_debug_report, version 9
        VK_EXT_debug_utils, version 1
        VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace, version 4
        VK_NV_external_memory_capabilities, version 1
      Supported layers:
        VK_LAYER_NV_optimus, version 1, spec version 1.1.119, NVIDIA Optimus layer
        VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation, version 1, spec version 1.0.114, LunarG Standard Validation Layer
      Available physical devices:
        API version 1.1.119, vendor 0x10DE, device 0xFC0, GeForce GT 640, type 2, driver version 441.48.0
      GPU #1:
               Card name         : NVIDIA GeForce GT 640
             Driver Name         : nvldumd.dll
          Driver Version         :
               Vendor ID         : 0x10DE
               Device ID         : 0x0FC0
               SubSys ID         : 0x093D10DE
             Revision ID         : 0x00A1
      GPU #2:
               Card name         : NVIDIA GeForce GT 640
             Driver Name         : nvldumd.dll
          Driver Version         :
               Vendor ID         : 0x10DE
               Device ID         : 0x0FC0
               SubSys ID         : 0x093D10DE
             Revision ID         : 0x00A1
      Plugin information:
      + Android                           4.11.1
      + AutoTest                          4.11.1
        AutotoolsProjectManager           4.11.1
        BareMetal                         4.11.1
      + Bazaar                            4.11.1
        Beautifier                        4.11.1
      + BinEditor                         4.11.1
      + Bookmarks                         4.11.1
        Boot2Qt                           4.11.1
      + CMakeProjectManager               4.11.1
      + CVS                               4.11.1
      + ClangCodeModel                    4.11.1
        ClangFormat                       4.11.1
        ClangPchManager                   4.11.1
        ClangRefactoring                  4.11.1
      + ClangTools                        4.11.1
      + ClassView                         4.11.1
        ClearCase                         4.11.1
      + CodePaster                        4.11.1
        CompilationDatabaseProjectManager 4.11.1
      + Core                              4.11.1
      + CppEditor                         4.11.1
      + CppTools                          4.11.1
        Cppcheck                          4.11.1
      + CtfVisualizer                     4.11.1
      + Debugger                          4.11.1
      + Designer                          4.11.1
      + DiffEditor                        4.11.1
        EmacsKeys                         4.11.1
      + FakeVim                           4.11.1
      + GLSLEditor                        4.11.1
      + GenericProjectManager             4.11.1
      + Git                               4.11.1
        HelloWorld                        4.11.1
      + Help                              4.11.1
      + ImageViewer                       4.11.1
        Ios                               4.11.1
      + LanguageClient                    4.11.1
      + LicenseChecker                    4.11.1
      + Macros                            4.11.1
        McuSupport                        4.11.1
      + Mercurial                         4.11.1
      + ModelEditor                       4.11.1
        Nim                               4.11.1
      + PerfProfiler                      4.11.1
        Perforce                          4.11.1
      + ProjectExplorer                   4.11.1
      + Python                            4.11.1
      + QbsProjectManager                 4.11.1
      + QmakeProjectManager               4.11.1
      + QmlDesigner                       4.11.1
      + QmlJSEditor                       4.11.1
      + QmlJSTools                        4.11.1
      + QmlPreview                        4.11.1
      + QmlProfiler                       4.11.1
      + QmlProjectManager                 4.11.1
      + Qnx                               4.11.1
      + QtSupport                         4.11.1
      + RemoteLinux                       4.11.1
      + ResourceEditor                    4.11.1
      + ScxmlEditor                       4.11.1
        SerialTerminal                    4.11.1
        SilverSearcher                    4.11.1
        StudioWelcome                     4.11.1
      + Subversion                        4.11.1
      + TaskList                          4.11.1
      + TextEditor                        4.11.1
        Todo                              4.11.1
      + UpdateInfo                        4.11.1
      + Valgrind                          4.11.1
      + VcsBase                           4.11.1
        Vxworks                           4.11.1
        WebAssembly                       4.11.1
      + Welcome                           4.11.1
      + WinRt                             4.11.1
      Qt Creator 4.11.1
      Based on Qt 5.14.1 (MSVC 2017, 32 bit)
      From revision b2ddeacfb5
      Built on Feb  5 2020 10:36:26


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              mitch_curtis Mitch Curtis
              rlohning Robert Löhning
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue



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