Resolution: Invalid
P2: Important
Visual Studio 2017, 64 bits
I have a crash inside the QV4 javascript engine, when I call scripts from a worker thread. I know that the JS engine is not multithread-safe, but I use it only in this thread, so there should be no concurrent access.
The crash is similar to what is described in It's supposed to be fixed in Qt 5.13.1 but that's the version I use.
Call stack:
Qt5Qmld.dll!QV4::Value::value() Ligne 141 C++ Qt5Qmld.dll!QV4::Value::int_32() Ligne 195 C++ Qt5Qmld.dll!QV4::PersistentValueStorage::allocate() Ligne 208 C++ Qt5Qmld.dll!QJSValuePrivate::setValue(QJSValue * jsval, QV4::ExecutionEngine * engine, unsigned __int64 v) Ligne 101 C++ Qt5Qmld.dll!QJSValue::QJSValue(QV4::ExecutionEngine * e, unsigned __int64 val) Ligne 206 C++ Qt5Qmld.dll!QJSValue::call(const QList<QJSValue> & args) Ligne 774 C++
Value *v = p->values + p->header.freeList; p->header.freeList = v->int_32();
Seems like p->header.freeList holds some invalid value, and produces an invalid pointer.
Minimal code that reproduces the problem:
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QJSEngine> #include <QThread> #include <QTimer> int main(int argc, char** argv) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QJSEngine engine; engine.installExtensions(QJSEngine::ConsoleExtension); engine.evaluate("var iteration = 0;"); auto function = engine.evaluate(R"(( function() { if (++iteration % 100 == 0) console.log(iteration); } ))"); QThread thread; thread.start(); QTimer timer; QObject::connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, &engine, [&]{;}, Qt::DirectConnection); timer.moveToThread(&thread); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&timer, "start", Q_ARG(int, 0)); return app.exec(); }
Sometimes the output just stops, there's no crash. To increase the chances of crash, passing dummy arguments to the function call helps a lot.
Of course, doing the same thing in the main thread (commenting the call to timer.moveToThread(&thread)) works perfectly.