Resolution: Done
P3: Somewhat important
ed114b728d9dc5265333c593254d9f6527464a60 (qt/qtbase/dev) 45d340851d5f88fb27fb7be011079fa1ae238a3f (qt/qtbase/5.15)
Sometimes event is delivered to an application while the application is calling ShellExecute(). Most of the time this is probably not an issue, but for example, when the new delivered event causes destruction of what is calling it:
12 static void qt_message_print(QtMsgType, const class QMessageLogContext & const, const class QString & const) Qt5Core.dll [qlogging.cpp : 1836 + 0x19] 13 static class QString qt_message(QtMsgType, const class QMessageLogContext & const, const char *, char *) Qt5Core.dll [qlogging.cpp : 373 + 0xd] 14 QMessageLogger::fatal(char const *,...) Qt5Core.dll [qlogging.cpp : 885 + 0x18] 15 QQmlData::destroyed(QObject *) Qt5Qml.dll [qqmlengine.cpp : 1957 + 0x42] <SNIP> 32 QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickWindowQmlImpl>::`scalar deleting destructor'(unsigned int) Qt5Quick.dll + 0x4c 33 QObject::event(QEvent *) Qt5Core.dll [qobject.cpp : 1251 + 0x17] 34 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *,QEvent *) Qt5Widgets.dll [qapplication.cpp : 3700 + 0xc] 35 QApplication::notify(QObject *,QEvent *) Qt5Widgets.dll [qapplication.cpp : 3529 + 0xe] 36 Application::notify(QObject *,QEvent *) App.exe [Application.cpp : 140 + 0xf] 37 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject *,QEvent *) Qt5Core.dll [qcoreapplication.cpp : 1088 + 0x13] 38 QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject *,int,QThreadData *) Qt5Core.dll [qcoreapplication.cpp : 1825 + 0x19] 39 qwindows.dll + 0x6354f 40 qt_internal_proc(HWND__ *,unsigned int,unsigned __int64,__int64) Qt5Core.dll [qeventdispatcher_win.cpp : 245 + 0xc] <VARIOUS SHELL32.DLL FRAMES> 64 qwindows.dll + 0xfcc30 65 QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl const &) Qt5Gui.dll [qdesktopservices.cpp : 232 + 0xc] 66 QV4::QtObject::method_openUrlExternally(QV4::FunctionObject const *,QV4::Value const *,QV4::Value const *,int) Qt5Qml.dll [qqmlbuiltinfunctions.cpp : 940 + 0x14] 67 QV4::Moth::VME::interpret(QV4::CppStackFrame *,QV4::ExecutionEngine *,char const *) Qt5Qml.dll [qv4vme_moth.cpp : 738 + 0x1d] ...
Seems that it might be possible to workaround this by using ShellExecuteEx with SEE_MASK_ASYNCOK set instead.
public slots: void cppSlot(QVariant obj) { qDebug("MyObject::cppSlot"); QObject* button = qvariant_cast<QObject *>(obj); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [button]() { qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ << "delete button"; delete button; }, Qt::QueuedConnection); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("")); }
MyObject::cppSlot MyObject::cppSlot::<lambda_b395a9bf7b216b133b634b5a744c72c2>::operator () delete button Object 0x2a8550f9110 destroyed while one of its QML signal handlers is in progress. Most likely the object was deleted synchronously (use QObject::deleteLater() instead), or the application is running a nested event loop. This behavior is NOT supported! qrc:/main.qml:17: function() { [native code] }
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-82701 Windows 7: Strange processing pause when QToolTip is first shown
- Closed
- resulted in
QTBUG-86575 qwindowsservices.cpp doesn't compile with mingw64 GCC 10.1.0
- Closed