Resolution: Incomplete
Not Evaluated
First, I read a Chinese character path in the table from TableView, and then call Qdeug output and openUrl to open this path respectively. We found that there is no problem with the Chinese output by calling Qdebug, but the Chinese path will be garbled if openUrl is used to open it.
int current_row = ui->tableView_properties->currentIndex().row(); QModelIndex file_path = model->index(current_row,7); QModelIndex file_name = model->index(current_row,2); QString file_path_data = model->data(file_path).toString().trimmed(); QString file_name_data = model->data(file_name).toString().trimmed(); QString Splicing_file_path_data=file_path_data+"\\"+file_name_data; QTextCodec*codec=QTextCodec::codecForName("GBK"); QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale(codec); qDebug()<<Splicing_file_path_data; QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(Splicing_file_path_data));
"E:\\test_data\\T1T2地块(国奥)(P065)\\中标通知书"//This is the correct Chinese character path,Use the output of Qdebug ShellExecute 'file:///E:/test_data/T1T2??飨????)(P065)/?б?????' failed (error 5).//This is the error suggested by openurl
I did the test according to your method and found that it is not the problem of access rights, nor the problem of "
". Because I can open the file normally when I change the path to English. But there will be this warning in Chinese, and the file cannot be opened.
For folders with the same path, the results of the two opening methods are quite different.And I also found that "%3F" is used instead for unsupported Chinese fields, and other question marks are no problem.
QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(R"(E:\test_data\成交确认书\)")); QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile("E:/test_data/成交确认书/"));
successful open! ShellExecute 'file:///E:/test_data/????????%3F' failed (error 2).
For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-85745 | ||||||
# | Subject | Branch | Project | Status | CR | V |
308508,2 | QWindowsServices: ungarble the URL | 5.15 | qt/qtbase | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
308668,3 | QWindowsServices: ungarble the URL | dev | qt/qtbase | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |