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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-86199

Drawer/Popup does not center in parent



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 5.15.0
    • Quick: Controls 2
    • None
    • Windows




      According to the docs centering into a custom parent should be possible.


      See video and example project.

      import QtQuick 2.12
      import QtQuick.Window 2.12
      import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.12
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
      import QtQuick.Controls.Material.impl 2.12
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          Component.onCompleted: popup.open()
          Popup {
              id: popup
              dim: true
              modal: true
              width: 300
              height: 300
              anchors.centerIn: parent
              Button {
                  anchors.centerIn: parent
                  highlighted: true
                  text: "Open"
                  onClicked: drawer.open()
              Rectangle {
                  id: wrapper
                  color: "gray"
                  height: 50
                  anchors {
                      right: parent.right
                      left: parent.left
                      bottom: parent.bottom
                  Text {
                      text: qsTr("Should center here")
                      anchors.centerIn: parent
                      color: "white"
                  Drawer {
                      id: drawer
                      modal: false
                      dim: false
                      interactive: false
                      height: 40
                      width: 300
                      edge: Qt.BottomEdge
                      //  ###### Popup documentation:
                      anchors.centerIn: parent
                      // Also not working
                      // anchors.centerIn: wrapper
                      // This generates
                      // qrc:/main.qml:45:13: QML Drawer: Popup can only be centered within its immediate parent or Overlay.overlay
                      // but it should be the same as parent
                      // Anchors provide a way to position an item by specifying its relationship with other items.
                      // A common use case is to center a popup within its parent. One way to do this is with the x and y properties. Anchors offer a more convenient approach:
                      //  Pane {
                      //      // ...
                      //      Popup {
                      //          anchors.centerIn: parent
                      //      }
                      //  }
                      Button {
                          onClicked: drawer.close()
                          text: qsTr("close")
                          anchors.centerIn: parent
                      background: Rectangle {
                          radius: 4
                          color: Material.color(Material.LightBlue)
                          layer.enabled: true
                          layer.effect: ElevationEffect {
                              elevation: 6


        1. 7nFwL4DPUo.gif
          136 kB
          Elias Steurer
        2. QMLDrawerPositionBug.zip
          18 kB
          Elias Steurer
        3. YgyFYwiDTE.mp4
          57 kB
          Elias Steurer
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