I use Sway as my display manager and I type two languages. For me, the most comfortable key for switchitg keyboard layouts is Menu key, so I have "grp:menu_toggle" as one of the xkb_options in my Sway config file. With this option enabled, QtWebEngine-based browsers is the only programs to keep popping up context menu so I consider this a bug.
How to reproduce
With block of text below in Sway config file and qutebrowser active, being in any mode other than command mode, press the Menu button.
input * {
xkb_layout "us, ru"
xkb_variant ","
xkb_options "grp:menu_toggle"
Expected behavior
I want Menu key to just switch keyboard layouts — like in any other programs inside Sway. My primary web browser is qutebrowser (I submitted this issue at it's repo first), but I tested KDE Falkon also and got the same behavior.
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-82856 qtwebengine ignores xkb settings.
- Closed