Resolution: Fixed
P0: Blocker
********* Start testing of tst_QQuickHeaderView ********* agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: Config: Using QtTest library 5.15.2, Qt 5.15.2 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 5.3.1 20160406 (Red Hat 5.3.1-6)), rhel 7.6 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: PASS : tst_QQuickHeaderView::initTestCase() agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: FAIL! : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() Compared values are not the same agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: Actual (model->parent(childIndex)): QModelIndex(-1,-1,(nil),(nil)) agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: Expected (topIndex) : QModelIndex(0,0,(nil),0x7ffd58e87160) agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: Loc: [qabstractitemmodeltester.cpp(460)] agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Qml GC memory allocation statistics: agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Total memory allocated: 0 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Max memory used before a GC run: 0 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Max memory used after a GC run: 0 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - Requests for different item sizes: agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 32 bytes: 809 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 64 bytes: 165 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 96 bytes: 517 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 128 bytes: 55 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 160 bytes: 0 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - < 192 bytes: 0 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: QDEBUG : tst_QQuickHeaderView::testHeaderDataProxyModel() [ 0.102 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown - >= 224 bytes: 43 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: PASS : tst_QQuickHeaderView::cleanupTestCase() agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 4ms agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: ********* Finished testing of tst_QQuickHeaderView ********* agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: [ 0.103 D] unknown - nodes on heap: 0 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:379: make: *** [check] Error 1 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:430: Process finished with error: exit status 2 agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:654: Executing scheduled instruction 1 of 2 - Upload all core dumps if there are some agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:563: Skip uploading core files because CORE_FILES_PATH is not set in the environment agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:662: agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 build.go:654: Executing scheduled instruction 2 of 2 - Upload test results agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 storageclient.go:517: Collecting test results, archiving and uploading them agent:2020/11/06 05:44:23 result.go:177: Collecting 19 test results ... agent:2020/11/06 05:44:24 build.go:662: agent:2020/11/06 05:44:24 agent.go:280: Test failed agent:2020/11/06 05:44:24 agent.go:202: ERROR building: exit status 2 Agent FINISHED FAIL: testing /home/qt/work/qt/qtquickcontrols2/tests/auto/qquickheaderview: qt/qtquickcontrols2/71226aa8b631648b01a64dd8fec93d923e74caad/LinuxRHEL_7_6x86_64LinuxRHEL_7_6x86_64GCCqtci-linux-RHEL-7.6-x86_64-775688/3ca431aaf5495ee3b018c4d162beb95b125c91e9/Test <a href="">VM metrics</a> <a href="">Host metrics</a>
Tested changes (refs/builds/qtci/5.15/1604640655): Update submodules on '5.15' in qt/qt5