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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-86955 Raspberry Pi 4 (ARM-v8A-32/64bit) with Debian based Raspberry Pi OS and Qt apps
  3. QTBUG-89502

Investigate what would it mean to swap from Yocto to Raspberry provided native OS [Spike]



    • Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 6.1
    • Device Creation
    • None
    • Linux/Yocto
    • 2021wk04, 2022 wk 40-41 Embedded, 2022 wk 42-43 Embedded, Embedded wk44-45 2022, Embedded wk46-47 2022, Embedded wk48-49 2022, Embedded wk50-51 2022, Embedded wk02-03 2023, Embedded wk06-07 2023, Embedded wk08-09 2023, Embedded wk10-11 2023, Embedded wk12-13 2023, Embedded wk14-15 2023, Embedded wk16-17 2023, Embedded wk18-19 2023, Embedded wk20-21 2023, Embedded wk22-23 2023, Embedded wk24-25 2023, Embedded wk34-35, Embedded wk36-37 2023, Embedded wk38-39 2023, Embedded wk40-41 2023, Embedded wk42-43 2023, Embedded wk44-45 2023, Embedded wk46-47 2023, Embedded wk48-49 2023, Embedded wk50/2023 - wk01/2024, Embedded wk14-15 2024, Embedded wk16-17 2024, Embedded wk18-19 2024, Embedded Linux wk20-21 2024, Embedded wk22-23 2024, Embedded wk26-31 2024


      Our Raspberry offering is really aimed at the DIY and small business folks, that often start with the HW by installing the HW vendor provided OS. Over years we have had several requests to support Raspbian OS for this HW, recently Raspberry announced a 64bit debian based native OS.

      Our Qt DC and QBSP has been based on Yocto eLinux mainly for convenience reasons, it has been easy for us to create among other B2Qt stacks.

      We should investigate if it would be better to support HW vendor provided native OS instead. What would that mean for delivery channel, QBSP, integration, Ci etc. Also, would this improve the HW support across Raspberry product lines?

      Note that Raspbian recently added Vulkan support: https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/vulkan-update-were-conformant/


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