User Story
Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
2021wk20PO2, 2021wk22PO2, 2021wk24PO2
Product quality from QTBUG-90028
I want target hardware platform to be a reference for Qt for Android Embedded on Android 11
What not
- No Android Automotive (See What is Android Automotive and Android Automotive)
- No CAN-bus support
Android 11 is the latest from Android OS. NPX iMX8QM is reference board for Android Embedded customers
Qt 6.2 aka 2021
Definition of Done for Product quality
Qt6 source codes compile on reference target. Customer can develop software with Android Embedded on Android 11
- Qt sources: essentials, parts applicable for Android (mandatory), 6.1 addons as much as possible (TBD), Widget UI nice to have, QML mandatory
- Smoke testing: manual testing (mandatory)
- CI: build (mandatory) tests (optional) on CI with same host as in QAA
- host first RHEL 8.2 later Ubuntu as defined in host epic QTBUG-
- target first x86 for emulator, later arm64-v8a aka aarch64 for target
- RTA: tests on targets in RTA (mandatory)
- Desktop hosts: Ubuntu 20.04 (mandatory), Win10 2004 (optional)
- Target HW: NXP iMX8QM (mandatory)
- Documentation: Developer journey, how to install, build, use etc., give enough hints for a developer, please see QTBUG-
- RnD support: For mandatory hosts and targets Standard, rest support up to PS
Issue Links
- depends on
QTBUG-90028 Qt61: NXP iMX8QM (ARM-v8A-64bit) with Android Embedded (11) as TP
- Withdrawn
- is cloned by
QTBUG-97616 Android Automotive 11 on NXP iMX8QM
- Withdrawn
- links to
(1 mentioned in)
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