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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-90808

QML PropertyChanges with Binding changes properties outside Transition



    • Linux/X11


      The problem is that when I assign binding to property inside 'PropertyChanges' and I wanted to make Transition between default and this State - properties of the "target" could be changed 2 times even before Transition was started.

      In following example I wanted to assign binding to _target.opacity property

      states: [
          State {
              name: "shown"
              when: _target.shown
              PropertyChanges { target: _target; numberProperty: 100; opacity: _target.effectiveOpacity; visible: true }

      and I have following Transition:

      Transition {
          to: "shown"
          SequentialAnimation {
              ScriptAction {
                  script: console.warn("Transition '' -> 'shown' started");
              PropertyAction {
                  target: _target
                  property: "numberProperty"
              NumberAnimation {
                  target: _target
                  property: "opacity"
              ScriptAction {
                  script: console.warn("Transition '' -> 'shown' finished");

      After running this application and change _target state to "shown" in the output we will see that property 'numberProperty' was changed 2 times for unknown reason. (Video: property-changes-with-binding.mkv)

      This is the simplest example I could come up with and still reproduce it (on practice I have another binding on 'numberProperty' and extra change of this property outside controllable Transition could produce negative side-effects)

      But when I remove binding from declaration and use simple value - no extra changes occurred and everything works fine as expected

                  states: [
                      State {
                          name: "shown"
                          when: _target.shown
                          PropertyChanges { target: _target; numberProperty: 100; opacity: 1.0; visible: true }

      Please find test-project in attachments and video how I've captured this issue.

      P.S. Please correct me with better way to achieve binding assignment as part of PropertyChanges declaration without extra changes of another properties



        1. ugly-gate-jumps.mkv
          955 kB
        2. property-changes-with-binding.mkv
          2.47 MB
        3. MegaBindings.zip
          2 kB
        4. BallAndGate.zip
          15 kB
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