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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-91091

File not saved on the host when using Flatpak application and xdg-desktop-portal-gtk




      While working on flatpak-ing a Qt application I noticed a misbehavior when using xdg-desktop-portal with the xdg-desktop-portal-gtk. The application is using QFileDialog in save file mode and while specifying the filters it also set a default suffix via setDefaultSuffix(). The application code is something like:

      QFileDialog dialog(this);
      QStringList filters;
      filters << "DLT Files (*.dlt)" <<"All files (*.*)";
      dialog.setWindowTitle("Export to DLT file");

      The misbehavior happens when the user choose a filename without explicitly specify an extension: when xdg-desktop-portal-gtk is in use the file is not saved outside the sandbox. I used dbus-monitor and fired some use-cases in order to understand what was happening. This table summarize what I saw:

        xdg-desktop-portal-gtk xdg-desktop-portal-kde
      Gtk Application The portal gives back a path without the extension and the application receives a path without the extension. The file is stored and visible in the host system. The portal gives back a path with the extension and the application receives a path with the extension. The file is stored and visible in the host system.
      Qt Application The portal gives back a path without the extension and the application receives a path with the extension. The applications tries to write to the path with the extension. The file written will not be visible in the host system as a consequence. The portal gives back a path with the extension and the application receives a path with the extension. The file is stored and visible in the host system.

      While it may be nicer from a user point-of-view that xdg-desktop-portal-gtk portal returns a path with an extension, I don't think that this is the main issue. What is happening here is Qt not respecting the portal decision and changing the path in application-space behind its back. I looked at Qt source code and I think that I've found the main issue here:

          if (!usingWidgets())
              return addDefaultSuffixToUrls(selectedFiles_sys());

      When !usingWidget() is true it means that we are using a native dialog and we should not modify the URLs in this case. I tried to blame from where this code comes from in order to understand better the reasoning behind it and it comes from the Qt4 days here, introduced by this commit.


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