Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Consider a simple example:
const auto tryType = [](int targetTypeId) { auto v = QVariant::fromValue(123); Q_ASSERT(v.convert(targetTypeId)); qDebug() << v << "can convert to string:" << v.canConvert(QMetaType::QString); }; tryType(QMetaType::Short); tryType(QMetaType::UShort); tryType(QMetaType::Int); tryType(QMetaType::UInt); tryType(QMetaType::Long); tryType(QMetaType::ULong); tryType(QMetaType::LongLong); tryType(QMetaType::ULongLong);
We can expect to see true for all types but instead we see:
QVariant(short, 123) can convert to string: true
QVariant(ushort, 123) can convert to string: true
QVariant(int, 123) can convert to string: true
QVariant(uint, 123) can convert to string: true
QVariant(long, 123) can convert to string: false
QVariant(ulong, 123) can convert to string: false
QVariant(qlonglong, 123) can convert to string: true
QVariant(qulonglong, 123) can convert to string: true