Resolution: Done
P2: Important
56a0753415 (qt/qtdeclarative/dev) 56a0753415 (qt/tqtc-qtdeclarative/dev) af9acf56f9 (qt/qtdeclarative/6.3) af9acf56f9 (qt/tqtc-qtdeclarative/6.3) fd1cfc2e7b (qt/qtdeclarative/6.2) fd1cfc2e7b (qt/tqtc-qtdeclarative/6.2) 0c7b0a4306 (qt/qtdeclarative/dev)
The example code is a bit cluttered, but it needs to use the template SpinBox in order to be able to add a MouseArea inside the TextInput contentItem.
The issue is that this example works as expected with Qt 6.2.0-beta1 (2021-07-05 sha1: e3e388d76cf397282e2934705a681852b6e528ff) currently available from the maintenance tool. If you hover on top of the SpinBox input it will output the hovered property as true in the console.
When building the same example with Qt build with the current dev branch (2021-07-27 sha1: 4180e9c5111faae9b242253e2ab215154174507d) it won't work anymore. Hovering over the SpinBox input will output the hovered property as false. Only when hovering on top of the up/down indicator will it be true.
Is this a bug or intended?
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Templates 2.15 as T import QtQuick.Window 2.15 Window { width: 640 height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("Hello World") T.SpinBox { id: mySpinBox hoverEnabled: true onHoveredChanged: console.log("SpinBox hovered", mySpinBox.hovered) implicitWidth: Math.max(implicitBackgroundWidth + leftInset + rightInset, contentItem.implicitWidth + 2 * padding + up.implicitIndicatorWidth + down.implicitIndicatorWidth) implicitHeight: Math.max(implicitContentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding, implicitBackgroundHeight, up.implicitIndicatorHeight, down.implicitIndicatorHeight) padding: 6 leftPadding: padding + (mySpinBox.mirrored ? (up.indicator ? up.indicator.width : 0) : (down.indicator ? down.indicator.width : 0)) rightPadding: padding + (mySpinBox.mirrored ? (down.indicator ? down.indicator.width : 0) : (up.indicator ? up.indicator.width : 0)) validator: IntValidator { locale: bottom: Math.min(mySpinBox.from, top: Math.max(mySpinBox.from, } contentItem: TextInput { z: 2 text: mySpinBox.displayText font: mySpinBox.font color: mySpinBox.palette.text selectionColor: mySpinBox.palette.highlight selectedTextColor: mySpinBox.palette.highlightedText horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter readOnly: !mySpinBox.editable validator: mySpinBox.validator inputMethodHints: mySpinBox.inputMethodHints MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: true hoverEnabled: true propagateComposedEvents: true acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor } Rectangle { x: -6 - (mySpinBox.down.indicator ? 1 : 0) y: -6 width: mySpinBox.width - (mySpinBox.up.indicator ? mySpinBox.up.indicator.width - 1 : 0) - (mySpinBox.down.indicator ? mySpinBox.down.indicator.width - 1 : 0) height: mySpinBox.height visible: mySpinBox.activeFocus color: "transparent" border.color: mySpinBox.palette.highlight border.width: 2 } } up.indicator: Rectangle { x: mySpinBox.mirrored ? 0 : parent.width - width height: parent.height implicitWidth: 40 implicitHeight: 40 color: mySpinBox.up.pressed ? mySpinBox.palette.mid : mySpinBox.palette.button Rectangle { x: (parent.width - width) / 2 y: (parent.height - height) / 2 width: parent.width / 3 height: 2 color: enabled ? mySpinBox.palette.buttonText : mySpinBox.palette.mid } Rectangle { x: (parent.width - width) / 2 y: (parent.height - height) / 2 width: 2 height: parent.width / 3 color: enabled ? mySpinBox.palette.buttonText : mySpinBox.palette.mid } } down.indicator: Rectangle { x: mySpinBox.mirrored ? parent.width - width : 0 height: parent.height implicitWidth: 40 implicitHeight: 40 color: mySpinBox.down.pressed ? mySpinBox.palette.mid : mySpinBox.palette.button Rectangle { x: (parent.width - width) / 2 y: (parent.height - height) / 2 width: parent.width / 3 height: 2 color: enabled ? mySpinBox.palette.buttonText : mySpinBox.palette.mid } } background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 140 color: enabled ? mySpinBox.palette.base : mySpinBox.palette.button border.color: mySpinBox.palette.button } } }
This also applies to Buttons. The following code outputs "hovered" when hovering over the Button and compiled with Qt 5.15.5, but isn't outputting anything when compiled with Qt 6.2.0.
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 Window { width: 640 height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("Hello World") Button { text: "Button" onPressed: console.log("pressed", pressed) onHoveredChanged: console.log("hovered", hovered) MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton } } }
Issue Links
For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-95398 | ||||||
# | Subject | Branch | Project | Status | CR | V |
400735,8 | QQuickMouseArea: let MouseArea reject hover events | dev | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
400736,9 | QQuickControl: let Control reject hover events | dev | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
402837,2 | QQuickMouseArea: let MouseArea reject hover events | 6.3 | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
402838,2 | QQuickMouseArea: let MouseArea reject hover events | 6.2 | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
403465,2 | QQuickControl: let Control reject hover events | 6.2 | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
403466,2 | QQuickControl: let Control reject hover events | 6.3 | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
404397,2 | QQuickControl: let Control reject hover events | 6.3.0 | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |
404398,2 | QQuickMouseArea: let MouseArea reject hover events | 6.3.0 | qt/qtdeclarative | Status: MERGED | +2 | 0 |