Resolution: Done
P2: Important
6.2.0 Beta2
299c8f0deeafaa42d37eb1d53d7fe118b9e9eb7a (qt/qtdeclarative/dev) 4551ff5b043e0fc6b8fe34fa60123ebf7e57a05f (qt/qtdeclarative/6.2)
Customizable spin box from QDS Wizard Template, plus and minus buttons don't work with the basic, default or macOS style.
import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 SpinBox { id: control value: 50 editable: true contentItem: textInput TextInput { id: textInput z: 2 text: control.value font: control.font color: "#047eff" selectionColor: "#047eff" selectedTextColor: "#ffffff" horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Qt.AlignVCenter readOnly: !control.editable validator: control.validator inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhFormattedNumbersOnly } up.indicator: upIndicator Rectangle { id: upIndicator x: control.mirrored ? 0 : parent.width - width height: parent.height color: "#00000000" implicitWidth: 40 implicitHeight: 40 border.color: "#047eff" Text { id: text1 text: "+" font.pixelSize: control.font.pixelSize * 2 color: "#047eff" anchors.fill: parent fontSizeMode: Text.Fit horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } } down.indicator: downIndicator Rectangle { id: downIndicator x: control.mirrored ? parent.width - width : 0 height: parent.height color: "#00000000" implicitWidth: 40 implicitHeight: 40 border.color: "#047eff" Text { id: text2 text: "-" font.pixelSize: control.font.pixelSize * 2 color: "#047eff" anchors.fill: parent fontSizeMode: Text.Fit horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter } } background: backgroundRect Rectangle { id: backgroundRect color: "#00000000" implicitWidth: 140 border.color: "#047eff" } states: [ State { name: "normal" when: !control.down.pressed && !control.up.pressed && control.enabled PropertyChanges { target: upIndicator border.color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: downIndicator border.color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: backgroundRect border.color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: textInput color: "#047eff" selectionColor: "#ffffff" } PropertyChanges { target: text1 color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: text2 color: "#047eff" } }, State { name: "upPressed" when: control.up.pressed PropertyChanges { target: text1 color: "#ffffff" } PropertyChanges { target: upIndicator color: "#047eff" border.color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: textInput color: "#047eff" selectionColor: "#ffffff" } PropertyChanges { target: downIndicator border.color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: text2 color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: backgroundRect border.color: "#047eff" } }, State { name: "downPressed" when: control.down.pressed PropertyChanges { target: text2 color: "#ffffff" } PropertyChanges { target: downIndicator color: "#047eff" border.color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: textInput color: "#047eff" selectionColor: "#ffffff" } PropertyChanges { target: upIndicator border.color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: text1 color: "#047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: backgroundRect border.color: "#047eff" } }, State { name: "disabled" when: !control.enabled PropertyChanges { target: downIndicator border.color: "#b3047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: upIndicator border.color: "#b3047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: textInput color: "#b3047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: text1 color: "#b3047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: text2 color: "#b3047eff" } PropertyChanges { target: backgroundRect border.color: "#b3047eff" } } ] }
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-102137 QML SpinBox: Customization example is broken
- Closed
QTBUG-96014 Default style: Customizing ScrollBar contentItem breaks scrolling, errors displayed when interacted with
- Closed
- relates to
QDS-5031 Custom Button template should use a non-native style
- Open
QTBUG-96733 Prevent users from customising native styles
- Reported