Resolution: Duplicate
P2: Important
5.15.2, 5.15.3, 5.15.10
KDE Plasma 5.22
OpenSuse Tumbleweed / KDE Neon
Using a Map component in a QML application freezes the UI and locks up the app, forcing the user to kill the process.
This happens when new tiles need to be loaded in; upon opening and reopening the map, more tiles will appear before each crash, until enough are loaded to allow the user to move around and zoom until new tiles need to be loaded, leading to further crashes.
This afflicts both OSM and Esri map plugins. Curiously, this does not affect the MapBoxGL plugin - maybe due to a different rendering method?
Would appreciate any insight on a fix/workaround. Thank you!
EDIT: This is the console output:
QObject::connect(QQuickWindow, LocationMap_QMLTYPE_0): invalid nullptr parameter
QGeoTileProviderOsm: Tileserver disabled at QUrl("")
QGeoTileFetcherOsm: all providers resolved
Here is the QML code:
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtLocation 5.15 import QtPositioning 5.15 Map { id: map anchors.fill: parent property alias pluginComponent: mapPlugin //center: QtPositioning.coordinate(0,0) //zoomLevel: 15 gesture.enabled: true plugin: Plugin { id: mapPlugin name: "osm" } onCopyrightLinkActivated: { Qt.openUrlExternally(link) } Component.onCompleted: console.log(errorString) }
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-104682 QLocation regression in 5.15.10: Map completely and immediately freezes user interface
- Closed