Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
Running integration autotests on Android can fail without being reported.
A example is tst_QMediaCaptureSession. Running a ctest on this test results in:
1: ********* Start testing of tst_QMediaCaptureSession *********
1: Config: Using QtTest library 6.3.0, Qt 6.3.0 (arm64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) debug build; by Clang 9.0.8 ( 98c855489587874b2a325e7a516b99d838599c6f)), android 11.0
1: PASS : tst_QMediaCaptureSession::initTestCase()
1: PASS : tst_QMediaCaptureSession::stress_test_setup_and_teardown()
1: Execute /Users/Samuel/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb uninstall org.qtproject.example.tst_qmediacapturesession.
1: Success
1/1 Test #1: tst_qmediacapturesession ......... Passed 46.20 sec100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1
But tst_QMediaCaptureSession has 25 test functions besides stress_test_setup_and_teardown.
Possibly stress_test_setup_and_teardown failed, was not reported as failing and prevented all other tests from running.
I have noticed that this behaviour happens when QMediaRecorder starts to record and traced it to QAndroidCamera. The execution is halted as soon a "QMetaObject::invokeMethod" is called.
Tested with other integration tests and found qaudiodecoderbackend test also has the same problem.
Issue Links
- blocks
QTBUG-97058 Add new autotests for Android Multimedia
- Closed
- resulted in
QTBUG-97695 correctly report Android test failures on crashes
- Closed
QTBUG-97646 Crash on QMediaRecorder when running test
- Closed
QTBUG-97647 Crash on QAudioDecoder when running test
- Closed
QTBUG-97652 Improve test to show crashes and Jni env in Android
- Closed
- mentioned in
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