Resolution: Out of scope
P2: Important
macOS 11, 12
When a style is set to QTabWidget's border as below, hovering tabs creates visual strange behavior.
This happens with static lib only and on Intel and Rosetta 2.
QString styles; ... styles += QString("QTabBar {font-weight: 500; background: %1;}\n").arg(tabBar); styles += QString("QTabBar::tab {color: %1; padding: .3em .8em .1em .8em; border-top-left-radius: .4em; border-top-right-radius: .4em;}\n").arg(inactiveText); styles += QString("QTabBar::tab:!selected {font-weight: 400; border: 1px solid %1; }\n").arg(tabBar); styles += QString("QTabBar::tab:selected, QTabBar::tab:hover {background: %1; color: %2; border: 1px solid %3; border-bottom: 1px solid %4; }\n").arg(ribbonBackground).arg(activeText).arg(tabOutline).arg(ribbonBackground);
How to reproduce
1. Build Qt with the following configuration
-static -debug-and-release -commercial -platform macx-clang -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip multimedia -no-dbus -cmake-generator "Ninja Multi-Config" -- -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="x86_64;arm64";
2. Use (Modified version of Qt addressbook example )and run with #1
3. When you hover over the tabs to the right of the selected tab, you
should see the destructive drawing.
Static Qt build environment : Qt6.2.1, M1, Xcode 13.1, macOS 11.6.
Project build environment : Qt6.2.1, M1, Xcode 13.1, macOS 11.6.
What is known
This does NOT happen with pre-build Qt 6.2.1
This does NOT happen on M1(ARM) with the static libs.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-98911 QPainter incorrect drawing when using Qt Static lib on Intel or Rosetta 2
- Closed
- relates to
QTBUG-99280 Splash screen appears on top model dialog with dynamic vs behind with static
- Closed