Resolution: Out of scope
Not Evaluated
Mac OSX 10.8.5, Xcode 5.0.2, Qt5.2.1 (released package), Qt Creator 3.1 beta snapshot
Steps to reproduce:
- create a Qt Widget Application from template
- add a QPushButton and connect the clicked() signal with a slot
- set breakpoint into the slot for the QPushButton-click
- start debugging
- click onto the button to trigger the breakpoint
- inside the Locals unfold: this -> Ui_MainWindow -> pushButton -> properties
Current result:
- Application output prints out 'libc++abi.dylib: pure virtual method called' several times
- Locals view is shortly displaying some stuff of the QAbstractButton, within a split of a second the view is completely purged
- hitting 'Stop Debugger' does now no more work (Interrupt/Stop buttons are greyed out, but debugging is still in progress)
- you have to invoke 'Debug' -> 'Abort Debugging' or click the 'Stop' button on the Application Output widget