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  1. Qt Creator

Environment in target selector doesn't show state and can't be changed.



    • 18c8fefc8dc86cdf633cc6adaf83d5388a5f96f7 (and the commits leading up to that)


      1. Go to "Tools" -> "Options..." -> "Build & Run" -> "Kits".
      2. Select a Kit.
      3. Right of "Environment:", right-click and check "Mark as mutable" in the context menu.
      4. Open a project and configure it to use the kit from step 2.
      5. Click on the target selector.
        The target selector will display: "Environment: No changes to apply". Instead, it should be possible to change the environment there.

      6. Go to "Tools" -> "Options..." -> "Build & Run" -> "Kits".
      7. Select the Kit from step 2.
      8. Right of "Environment:", click "Change...".
      9. Enter some changes and click "OK".
      10. Click "OK".
      11. Click on the target selector.
        The target selector will still display: "Environment: No changes to apply". Instead, it should show the changes from step 9 and it should be possible to change the environment there.

      12. Go to "Tools" -> "Options..." -> "Build & Run" -> "Kits".
      13. Select the Kit from step 2.
      14. Right of "Environment:", right-click and uncheck "Mark as mutable" in the context menu.
      15. Click "OK".
      16. Go to "Tools" -> "Options..." -> "Build & Run" -> "Kits".
      17. Select the Kit from step 2.
      18. Right of "Environment:", right-click and check "Mark as mutable" in the context menu.
      19. Click "OK".
      20. Click on the target selector.
        The target selector now displays the changes made to the environment written across: "Environment: No changes to apply". Instead, it should only show the changes from step 9 and it should be possible to change the environment there.


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            hunger Tobias Hunger
            rlohning Robert Löhning
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