Resolution: Done
Not Evaluated
Qt Creator 4.0.0-rc1
Host: Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit
Target: Yocto Linux/ARM 32-bit
QTC project: Import of existing make-based (non-QT) C++ project
Debugger fails to start for remote debug session. This is for a project originally created using QTC 3.5.1 where remote debugging works fine.
Using QTC 4.0 on running the debugger an error dialog shows:
"The gdb process failed to start. Either the invoked program "/usr/bin/gdb-multiarch" is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program. No such file or directory".
I can't seem to nail down why this is failing. Have tried re-creating my QTC device, changing kits, etc. No luck. Almost seems like the host's gdb is trying to be run on the target. Fortunately I can go back and forth between QTC 4.0 and QTC 3.5.1 with no problems (nice work).
Note: the gdb version being used on the host is: gdb-multiarch --version
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1. This is installed at /usr/bin and can be run from the command line.
A QTC 4.0 debug trace is next followed by a debug trace from QTC 3.5.1 where things are working (same project, etc.).
ATTEMPT SYNC sStarting debugger "GdbEngine" for ABI "arm-linux-generic-elf-32bit"... dStart parameters: 'Run "/home/root/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tcamenum" on Linux Device' mode: 6 dABI: arm-linux-generic-elf-32bit dLanguages: c++ dExecutable: /home/root/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tcamenum dDirectory: /home/root dDebugger: /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch dProject: /home/tbarber/fadev/core/cssAddtional Search Directories: dRemote: dSysroot: /home/tbarber/targetfs dDebug Source Location: dDebugger settings: dCloseBuffersOnExit: false (default: false) dCloseMemoryBuffersOnExit: true (default: true) dUseDebuggingHelper: true (default: true) dUseCodeModel: true (default: true) dRaiseOnInterrupt: true (default: true) dStationaryEditorWhileStepping: false (default: false) dShowStandardNamespace: true (default: true) dMaximalStackDepth: 20 (default: 20) dSortStructMembers: true (default: true) dAutoDerefPointers: true (default: true) dShowQtNamespace: true (default: true) dShowQObjectNames: false (default: false) dSkipKnownFrames: true (default: false) *** dEnableReverseDebugging: false (default: false) dMaximalStringLength: 10000 (default: 10000) dDisplayStringLimit: 100 (default: 100) dSelectedPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dAdjustBreakpointLocations: true (default: true) dAllPluginBreakpoints: true (default: true) dIgnoreFirstChanceAccessViolation: false (default: false) dLoadGdbInit: true (default: true) dCDB_Console: false (default: false) dBreakpointCorrection: true (default: true) dGdbStartupCommands: set sysroot remote:/ (default: ) *** dGdbPostAttachCommands: (default: ) dLoadGdbDumpers2: true (default: false) *** dAttemptQuickStart: false (default: false) dUseDynamicType: true (default: true) dTargetAsync: false (default: false) dWatchdogTimeout: 20 (default: 20) dAutoEnrichParameters: true (default: true) dIntelFlavor: false (default: false) dIdentifyDebugInfoPackages: false (default: false) dWarnOnReleaseBuilds: true (default: true) dMultiInferior: false (default: false) dBreakOnThrow: false (default: false) dBreakOnCatch: false (default: false) dNoPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dSelectedPluginBreakpointsPattern: .* (default: .*) dBreakOnAbort: false (default: false) dShowQmlObjectTree: true (default: true) dBreakOnWarning: false (default: false) dBreakOnFatal: false (default: false) dQmlInspector.ShowAppOnTop: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInLocalsView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dShowThreadNames: true (default: false) *** dUseToolTips: true (default: true) dUseAddressInStackView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: false (default: true) *** dUseAddressInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dGdbCustomDumperCommands: (default: ) dAdditionalArguments: (default: ) dAlwaysAdjustColumnWidths: true (default: true) dExtraDumperFile: (default: ) dBreakEvent: (default: ) dBreakOnCrtDbgReport: false (default: false) dSymbolPaths: (default: ) dSourcePaths: (default: ) dFontSizeFollowsEditor: false (default: false) dUseMessageBoxForSignals: true (default: true) dUseAlternatingRowColours: false (default: false) dLogTimeStamps: false (default: false) dAutoQuit: false (default: false) dSwitchModeOnExit: false (default: false) dBreakpointsFullPath: false (default: false) dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1) [master] dQUEUE: SETUP ENGINE dCALL: SETUP ENGINE dEXAMINING /home/tbarber/fadev/core/derived/linux_vayuevm_armv7a_debugging_static_static/exe/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tcamenum dELF SECTIONS: .interp .note.ABI-tag .hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .plt .text .fini .rodata .ARM.extab .ARM.exidx .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes .debug_aranges .debug_info .debug_abbrev .debug_line .debug_frame .debug_str .debug_loc .debug_ranges .shstrtab .symtab .strtab dTRYING TO START ADAPTER dNOTE: REQUEST REMOTE SETUP Listening on port 10000 dNOTE: REMOTE SETUP DONE: GDB SERVER PORT: 10000 QML PORT -1 dENABLING TEST CASE: 0 dSTARTING /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch -i mi dHANDLE GDB ERROR: The gdb process failed to start. Either the invoked program "/usr/bin/gdb-multiarch" is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program. dNo such file or directory eERROR: UNEXPECTED STATE: 1 WANTED: 3 IN /work/build/qt-creator/src/plugins/debugger/gdb/gdbengine.cpp:4282 dADAPTER START FAILED dNOTE: ENGINE SETUP FAILED dState changed from EngineSetupRequested(1) to EngineSetupFailed(2) [master] dHANDLE RUNCONTROL FINISHED sDebugger finished. sUser requested stop. Shutting down... dHANDLE RUNCONTROL START FAILED dState changed from EngineSetupFailed(2) to DebuggerFinished(22) [master] dQUIT DEBUGGER REQUESTED IN STATE 22
QTC 3.5.1 debug trace log:
Starting debugger "GdbEngine" for ABI "arm-linux-generic-elf-32bit"... dStart parameters: 'Run "/home/root/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tgevacq" on Linux Device2' mode: 6 dABI: arm-linux-generic-elf-32bit dLanguages: c++ dExecutable: /home/tbarber/fadev/core/derived/linux_vayuevm_armv7a_debugging_static_static/exe/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tgevacq '' dDebugger: /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch dProject: /home/tbarber/fadev/core/cssAddtional Search Directories: dRemote: dSysroot: /home/tbarber/targetfs dDebug Source Location: dDebugger settings: dGdbPostAttachCommands: (default: ) dGdbStartupCommands: (default: ) dAutoEnrichParameters: true (default: true) dWatchdogTimeout: 20 (default: 20) dTargetAsync: false (default: false) dUseDynamicType: true (default: true) dMultiInferior: false (default: false) dWarnOnReleaseBuilds: true (default: true) dBreakOnCrtDbgReport: false (default: false) dBreakEvent: (default: ) dBreakpointCorrection: true (default: true) dCDB_Console: false (default: false) dLoadGdbInit: true (default: true) dIgnoreFirstChanceAccessViolation: false (default: false) dAttemptQuickStart: false (default: false) dLoadGdbDumpers2: true (default: false) *** dMaximalStringLength: 10000 (default: 10000) dAutoDerefPointers: true (default: true) dListSourceFiles: false (default: false) dDisplayStringLimit: 100 (default: 100) dEnableReverseDebugging: false (default: false) dSkipKnownFrames: true (default: false) *** dAllPluginBreakpoints: true (default: true) dIdentifyDebugInfoPackages: false (default: false) dIntelFlavor: false (default: false) dMaximalStackDepth: 20 (default: 20) dShowStandardNamespace: true (default: true) dSortStructMembers: true (default: true) dShowQtNamespace: true (default: true) dCloseMemoryBuffersOnExit: true (default: true) dCloseBuffersOnExit: false (default: false) dBreakpointsFullPath: false (default: false) dSwitchModeOnExit: false (default: false) dStationaryEditorWhileStepping: false (default: false) dRaiseOnInterrupt: true (default: true) dUseAlternatingRowColours: false (default: false) dUseMessageBoxForSignals: true (default: true) dFontSizeFollowsEditor: false (default: false) dAutoQuit: false (default: false) dVerboseLog: false (default: false) dLogTimeStamps: false (default: false) dUseAddressInStackView: false (default: false) dExtraDumperFile: (default: ) dAlwaysAdjustColumnWidths: true (default: true) dAdditionalArguments: (default: ) dGdbCustomDumperCommands: (default: ) dSourcePaths: (default: ) dSymbolPaths: (default: ) dUseCodeModel: true (default: true) dUseDebuggingHelper: true (default: true) dUseToolTips: true (default: true) dShowThreadNames: true (default: false) *** dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInLocalsView: false (default: false) dUseAddressInBreakpointsView: false (default: false) dUseToolTipsInBreakpointsView: false (default: true) *** dShowQmlObjectTree: true (default: true) dBreakOnAbort: false (default: false) dQmlInspector.ShowAppOnTop: false (default: false) dAdjustBreakpointLocations: true (default: true) dSelectedPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dSelectedPluginBreakpointsPattern: .* (default: .*) dNoPluginBreakpoints: false (default: false) dBreakOnCatch: false (default: false) dBreakOnThrow: false (default: false) dBreakOnFatal: false (default: false) dBreakOnWarning: false (default: false) dState changed from DebuggerNotReady(0) to EngineSetupRequested(1) [master] dQUEUE: SETUP ENGINE dCALL: SETUP ENGINE dEXAMINING /home/tbarber/fadev/core/derived/linux_vayuevm_armv7a_debugging_static_static/exe/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tgevacq dELF SECTIONS: .interp .note.ABI-tag .hash .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.version .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .init .plt .text .fini .rodata .ARM.extab .ARM.exidx .eh_frame .init_array .fini_array .jcr .dynamic .got .data .bss .comment .ARM.attributes .debug_aranges .debug_info .debug_abbrev .debug_line .debug_frame .debug_str .debug_loc .debug_ranges .shstrtab .symtab .strtab dTRYING TO START ADAPTER dNOTE: REQUEST REMOTE SETUP Listening on port 10000 dNOTE: REMOTE SETUP DONE: GDB SERVER PORT: 10000 QML PORT -1 dENABLING TEST CASE: 0 dSTARTING /usr/bin/gdb-multiarch -i mi dGDB STARTED, INITIALIZING IT <1show version <2show debug-file-directory <3set print object on <4set breakpoint pending on <5set print elements 10000 <6handle SIGSEGV nopass stop print <7set unwindonsignal on <8set width 0 <9set height 0 sSetting up inferior... <10set sysroot /home/tbarber/targetfs <11set substitute-path /usr/src /home/tbarber/targetfs/usr/src <12-interpreter-exec console "set auto-solib-add on" <13-interpreter-exec console "python sys.path.insert(1, '/home/tbarber/Qt/Tools/QtCreator/share/qtcreator/debugger/')" <14-interpreter-exec console "python sys.path.append('/usr/bin/data-directory/python')" <15-interpreter-exec console "python from gdbbridge import *" <16-interpreter-exec console "python theDumper.loadDumpers({})" >=thread-group-added,id="i1" >~"GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1\n" >~"Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n" >~"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>\nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type \"show copying\"\nand \"show warranty\" for details.\n" >~"This GDB was configured as \"x86_64-linux-gnu\".\nType \"show configuration\" for configuration details." >~"\nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:\n" >~"<>.\n" >~"Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:\n<>.\n" >~"For help, type \"help\".\n" >~"Type \"apropos word\" to search for commands related to \"word\".\n" >&"show version\n" >~"GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1\n" >~"Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n" >~"License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>\nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type \"show copying\"\nand \"show warranty\" for details.\n" >~"This GDB was configured as \"x86_64-linux-gnu\".\nType \"show configuration\" for configuration details." >~"\nFor bug reporting instructions, please see:\n" >~"<>.\n" >~"Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:\n<>.\n" >~"For help, type \"help\".\n" >~"Type \"apropos word\" to search for commands related to \"word\".\n" >1^done dPARSING VERSION: 1^done dSUPPORTED GDB VERSION GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1 dCopyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> dThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. dThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" dand "show warranty" for details. dThis GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". dType "show configuration" for configuration details. dFor bug reporting instructions, please see: d<>. dFind the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: d<>. dFor help, type "help". dType "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word". dGNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.7.1-0ubuntu5~14.04.2) 7.7.1 dCopyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <> dThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. dThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type "show copying" dand "show warranty" for details. dThis GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu". dType "show configuration" for configuration details. dFor bug reporting instructions, please see: d<>. dFind the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at: d<>. dFor help, type "help". dType "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word". dUSING GDB VERSION: 70701, BUILD: 0 <17-interpreter-exec console "set target-async off" <18-interpreter-exec console "set detach-on-fork off" >&"show debug-file-directory\n" >~"The directory where separate debug symbols are searched for is \"/usr/lib/debug\".\n" >2^done >&"set print object on\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="print object",value="on" >3^done >&"set breakpoint pending on\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="breakpoint pending",value="on" >4^done >&"set print elements 10000\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="print elements",value="10000" >5^done >&"handle SIGSEGV nopass stop print\n" >~"Signal Stop\tPrint\tPass to program\tDescription\n" >~"SIGSEGV Yes\tYes\tNo\t\tSegmentation fault\n" >6^done >&"set unwindonsignal on\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="unwindonsignal",value="on" >7^done >&"set width 0\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="width",value="4294967295" >8^done >&"set height 0\n" >9^done >&"set sysroot /home/tbarber/targetfs\n" >=cmd-param-changed,param="sysroot",value="/home/tbarber/targetfs" >10^done >&"set substitute-path /usr/src /home/tbarber/targetfs/usr/src\n" >11^done >12^done >13^done >14^done >&"No symbol table is loaded. Use the \"file\" command.\n" >15^done >~"dumpers=[ {type=\"boost__shared_ptr\"} , {type=\"QPolygonF\"} , {type=\"QJsonArray\"} , {type=\"QPolygon\"} , {type=\"QRectF\"} , {type=\"std____debug__unordered_map\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"QSharedData\"} , {type=\"QV4__String\"} , {type=\"QV4__CallContext\"} , {type=\"QByteArray\",formats=\"5, 6, 7, 8\"} , {type=\"QScopedPointer\"} , {type=\"std__set__iterator\"} , {type=\"std____1__array\",formats=\"16\"} , {type=\"QTextCodec\"} , {type=\"std__wstring\",formats=\"2, 4\"} , {type=\"std____1__shared_ptr\"} , {type=\"std__map\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"QAtomicInt\"} , {type=\"std____debug__unordered_set\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__NamedType\"} , {type=\"std__unique_ptr\"} , {type=\"std__shared_ptr\"} , {type=\"wstring\"} , {type=\"__m128d\"} , {type=\"QIPv6Address\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__Token\"} , {type=\"QVariantMap\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"std____1__unordered_map\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"QMetaObjectPrivate\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__Symbol\"} , {type=\"std__map__iterator\"} , {type=\"QStringData\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__ByteArrayRef\"} , {type=\"Debugger__Internal__WatchData\"} , {type=\"__m512d\"} , {type=\"std__unordered_map\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"QVarLengthArray\"} , {type=\"std____1__wstring\"} , {type=\"std__map__const_iterator\"} , {type=\"std__string\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"5, 6, 7, 8\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__PointerType\"} , {type=\"boost__container__list\"} , {type=\"boost__optional\"} , {type=\"QSizeF\"} , {type=\"__gnu_cxx__hash_set\"} , {type=\"int8_t\"} , {type=\"QV4__CallData\"} , {type=\"QStringList\"} , {type=\"QV4__TypedValue\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__QualifiedNameId\"} , {type=\"QMap\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"std___Rb_tree_iterator\"} , {type=\"Debugger__Internal__WatchItem\"} , {type=\"QVariant\"} , {type=\"KDSoapValue1\"} , {type=\"QSet\"} , {type=\"QUuid\"} , {type=\"Debugger__Internal__BreakpointModelId\"} , {type=\"QLinkedList\"} , {type=\"QHostAddress\"} , {type=\"QTJSC__JSValue\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__Identifier\"} , {type=\"std__array\",formats=\"16\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__FullySpecifiedType\"} , {type=\"QV4__ExecutionContext\"} , {type=\"__gnu_debug___Safe_iterator\"} , {type=\"std__multimap\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"std__stringHelper1__QNX\"} , {type=\"QTime\"} , {type=\"std____debug__map\"} , {type=\"__m256i\"} , {type=\"std____cxx1998__map\"} , {type=\"ProString\"} , {type=\"std__unordered_set\"} , {type=\"boost__bimaps__bimap\"} , {type=\"std__stringHelper1\"} , {type=\"std__multiset\"} , {type=\"QVariant (QVariantMap)\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"QFixed\"} , {type=\"std____debug__set\"} , {type=\"std__set\"} , {type=\"QString\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"2, 4\"} , {type=\"Debugger__Internal__GdbMi\"} , {type=\"boost__posix_time__ptime\"} , {type=\"QScriptValue\"} , {type=\"std__list__QNX\"} , {type=\"QHash__const_iterator\"} , {type=\"QJsonObject\"} , {type=\"std__deque\"} , {type=\"__m256\"} , {type=\"QSize\"} , {type=\"QDir\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__Class\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__Internal__Value\"} , {type=\"QHashNode\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"boost__posix_time__time_duration\"} , {type=\"Utils__ElfSection\"} , {type=\"std____1__basic_string\"} , {type=\"std__vector\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"16\"} , {type=\"QV4__FunctionObject\"} , {type=\"std__map__QNX\"} , {type=\"std__set__QNX\"} , {type=\"QVector\",editable=\"true\",formats=\"16\"} , {type=\"QTimeZone\"} , {type=\"QTextDocument\"} , {type=\"QJsonPrivate__qle_bitfield\"} , {type=\"QGraphicsPolygonItem\"} , {type=\"std__deque__QNX\"} , {type=\"QList\",formats=\"18, 19\"} , {type=\"std____1__vector\"} , {type=\"std__vector__QNX\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__Internal__PPToken\"} , {type=\"QSharedDataPointer\"} , {type=\"std__set__const_iterator\"} , {type=\"std____1__string\"} , {type=\"QJsonPrivate__qle_signedbitfield\"} , {type=\"QMapNode\"} , {type=\"Debugger__Internal__ThreadId\"} , {type=\"QPoint\"} , {type=\"QFile\"} , {type=\"QSharedPointer\"} , {type=\"QV4__Object\"} , {type=\"QUrl\",formats=\"2, 4\"} , {type=\"QJsonPrivate__q_littleendian\"} , {type=\"QLocale\"} , {type=\"QMultiMap\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"QRegion\"} , {type=\"QModelIndex\",formats=\"2, 3\"} , {type=\"QRect\"} , {type=\"QAbstractItemModel\",formats=\"2, 3\"} , {type=\"QStack\",formats=\"16\"} , {type=\"std___Rb_tree_const_iterator\"} , {type=\"std__stack\"} , {type=\"QRegExp\"} , {type=\"__m128\"} , {type=\"QV4__ScriptFunction\"} , {type=\"std__complex\"} , {type=\"std____debug__vector\",formats=\"16\"} , {type=\"std____debug__deque\"} , {type=\"QFileInfo\"} , {type=\"Utils__FileName\"} , {type=\"QFlags\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__IntegerType\"} , {type=\"std____1__unique_ptr\"} , {type=\"std____cxx1998__set\"} , {type=\"std__list\"} , {type=\"QHash__iterator\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__Literal\"} , {type=\"QQmlRefCount\"} , {type=\"string\",editable=\"true\"} , {type=\"QV4__Value\"} , {type=\"__m512\"} , {type=\"QBasicAtomicInt\"} , {type=\"std____1__unordered_set\"} , {type=\"QDate\"} , {type=\"KDSoapValue\"} , {type=\"QStringRef\"} , {type=\"__m512i\"} , {type=\"std____debug__stack\"} , {type=\"QXmlAttributes\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__TemplateNameId\"} , {type=\"QMetaObject\"} , {type=\"std____1__set\"} , {type=\"boost__gregorian__date\"} , {type=\"QV4__SimpleScriptFunction\"} , {type=\"QStandardItem\"} , {type=\"Debugger__Internal__DisassemblerLine\"} , {type=\"QChar\"} , {type=\"QXmlStreamStringRef\"} , {type=\"Eigen__Matrix\"} , {type=\"QFiniteStack\",formats=\"16\"} , {type=\"uint8_t\"} , {type=\"__m128i\"} , {type=\"std____debug__list\"} , {type=\"QHashedString\"} , {type=\"QImage\",formats=\"2, 4\"} , {type=\"QDateTime\"} , {type=\"QWeakPointer\"} , {type=\"QJsonValue\"} , {type=\"QHash\",formats=\"17\"} , {type=\"CPlusPlus__StringLiteral\"} , {type=\"QAtomicPointer\"} , {type=\"std__basic_string\"} , {type=\"QTemporaryFile\"} , {type=\"QPixmap\"} , {type=\"Core__Id\"} , {type=\"QTextCursor\"} , {type=\"__m256d\"} , {type=\"QByteArrayData\"} , {type=\"QXmlStreamAttribute\"} , {type=\"boost__unordered__unordered_set\"} , {type=\"QPointF\"} , {type=\"QV4__CompilationUnit\"} , {type=\"QQmlAccessorProperties__Properties\"} ,]\n" >16^done dENGINE SUCCESSFULLY STARTED dNOTE: ENGINE SETUP OK dState changed from EngineSetupRequested(1) to EngineSetupOk(3) [master] dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR dState changed from EngineSetupOk(3) to InferiorSetupRequested(4) [master] dQUEUE: SETUP INFERIOR >17^done >=cmd-param-changed,param="detach-on-fork",value="off" >18^done dCALL: SETUP INFERIOR <19-exec-arguments '' <20unset environment CLUTTER_IM_MODULE <21unset environment COMPIZ_BIN_PATH <22unset environment COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE <23unset environment DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS <24unset environment DEFAULTS_PATH <25unset environment DESKTOP_SESSION <26-gdb-set environment DISPLAY=:0.0 <27unset environment GDMSESSION <28unset environment GDM_LANG <29unset environment GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE <30unset environment GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID <31unset environment GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID <32unset environment GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL <33unset environment GNOME_KEYRING_PID <34unset environment GPG_AGENT_INFO <35unset environment GTK_IM_MODULE <36unset environment GTK_MODULES <37unset environment HOME <38unset environment IM_CONFIG_PHASE <39unset environment INSTANCE <40unset environment JOB <41unset environment LANG <42unset environment LANGUAGE <43unset environment LOGNAME <44unset environment MANDATORY_PATH <45unset environment PATH <46unset environment PWD <47unset environment QT4_IM_MODULE <48unset environment QT_IM_MODULE <49unset environment QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME <50unset environment SELINUX_INIT <51unset environment SESSION <52unset environment SESSIONTYPE <53unset environment SESSION_MANAGER <54unset environment SHELL <55unset environment SHLVL <56unset environment SSH_AUTH_SOCK <57unset environment TEXTDOMAIN <58unset environment TEXTDOMAINDIR <59unset environment UPSTART_SESSION <60unset environment USER <61unset environment XAUTHORITY <62unset environment XDG_CONFIG_DIRS <63unset environment XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP <64unset environment XDG_DATA_DIRS <65unset environment XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR <66unset environment XDG_MENU_PREFIX <67unset environment XDG_RUNTIME_DIR <68unset environment XDG_SEAT <69unset environment XDG_SEAT_PATH <70unset environment XDG_SESSION_ID <71unset environment XDG_SESSION_PATH <72unset environment XDG_VTNR <73unset environment XMODIFIERS <74-file-exec-and-symbols "/home/tbarber/fadev/core/derived/linux_vayuevm_armv7a_debugging_static_static/exe/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tgevacq" >19^done >&"unset environment CLUTTER_IM_MODULE\n" >20^done >&"unset environment COMPIZ_BIN_PATH\n" >21^done >&"unset environment COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE\n" >22^done >&"unset environment DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS\n" >23^done >&"unset environment DEFAULTS_PATH\n" >24^done >&"unset environment DESKTOP_SESSION\n" >25^done >26^done >&"unset environment GDMSESSION\n" >27^done >&"unset environment GDM_LANG\n" >28^done >&"unset environment GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE\n" >29^done >&"unset environment GIO_LAUNCHED_DESKTOP_FILE_PID\n" >30^done >&"unset environment GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID\n" >31^done >&"unset environment GNOME_KEYRING_CONTROL\n" >32^done >&"unset environment GNOME_KEYRING_PID\n" >33^done >&"unset environment GPG_AGENT_INFO\n" >34^done >&"unset environment GTK_IM_MODULE\n" >35^done >&"unset environment GTK_MODULES\n" >36^done >&"unset environment HOME\n" >37^done >&"unset environment IM_CONFIG_PHASE\n" >38^done >&"unset environment INSTANCE\n" >39^done >&"unset environment JOB\n" >40^done >&"unset environment LANG\n" >41^done >&"unset environment LANGUAGE\n" >42^done >&"unset environment LOGNAME\n" >43^done >&"unset environment MANDATORY_PATH\n" >44^done >&"unset environment PATH\n" >45^done >&"unset environment PWD\n" >46^done >&"unset environment QT4_IM_MODULE\n" >47^done >&"unset environment QT_IM_MODULE\n" >48^done >&"unset environment QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME\n" >49^done >&"unset environment SELINUX_INIT\n" >50^done >&"unset environment SESSION\n" >51^done >&"unset environment SESSIONTYPE\n" >52^done >&"unset environment SESSION_MANAGER\n" >53^done >&"unset environment SHELL\n" >54^done >&"unset environment SHLVL\n" >55^done >&"unset environment SSH_AUTH_SOCK\n" >56^done >&"unset environment TEXTDOMAIN\n" >57^done >&"unset environment TEXTDOMAINDIR\n" >58^done >&"unset environment UPSTART_SESSION\n" >59^done >&"unset environment USER\n" >60^done >&"unset environment XAUTHORITY\n" >61^done >&"unset environment XDG_CONFIG_DIRS\n" >62^done >&"unset environment XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP\n" >63^done >&"unset environment XDG_DATA_DIRS\n" >64^done >&"unset environment XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR\n" >65^done >&"unset environment XDG_MENU_PREFIX\n" >66^done >&"unset environment XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\n" >67^done >&"unset environment XDG_SEAT\n" >68^done >&"unset environment XDG_SEAT_PATH\n" >69^done >&"unset environment XDG_SESSION_ID\n" >70^done >&"unset environment XDG_SESSION_PATH\n" >71^done >&"unset environment XDG_VTNR\n" >72^done >&"unset environment XMODIFIERS\n" >73^done >74^done <75target extended-remote tcp: >&"target extended-remote tcp:\n" >~"Remote debugging using tcp:\n" >75^done dATTACHED TO GDB SERVER STARTED sAttached to stopped application <76-gdb-set remote exec-file /home/root/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tgevacq Remote debugging from host >76^done sSetting breakpoints... dSetting breakpoints... dATTEMPT BREAKPOINT SYNCHRONIZATION dBREAKPOINTS ARE SYNCHRONIZED dNOTE: INFERIOR SETUP OK dState changed from InferiorSetupRequested(4) to InferiorSetupOk(6) [master] dState changed from InferiorSetupOk(6) to EngineRunRequested(7) [master] dQUEUE: RUN ENGINE dCALL: RUN ENGINE <77-exec-run >=thread-group-started,id="i1",pid="4371" sThread group i1 created dTaking notice of pid 4371 >=thread-created,id="1",group-id="i1" sThread 1 created >=library-loaded,id="/lib/",target-name="/lib/",host-name="/home/tbarber/targetfs/lib/",symbols-loaded="0",thread-group="i1" sLibrary /lib/ loaded >77^running dNOTE: ENGINE RUN AND INFERIOR RUN OK sRunning. dState changed from EngineRunRequested(7) to InferiorRunOk(11) [master] dINFERIOR STARTED sApplication started >*running,thread-id="all" dNOTE: INFERIOR STILL RUNNING IN STATE InferiorRunOk. Process /home/root/core-css-syssw-target-aant-libs-gevacq-src-test-tgevacq created; pid = 4371 <snip, application begins running here...>
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTCREATORBUG-17159 Wrong working directory used for m_gdbProc in GdbRemoteServerEngine
- Closed