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  1. Qt Creator

Property minimumMacosVersion is not set when building Creator with Qt 5.9.3, which causes build failure



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • Qt Creator 4.5.1
    • Qt Creator 4.5.0, Qt Creator 4.6.0-beta1
    • Building Qt Creator
    • None
    • macOS 10.12
      XCode 8.2.1
      Creator 4.6-ish
      qbs 1.10.0
    • e68418f22ed9d0e2e9fbec99a4e500f34e30fba8


      I'm trying to build a debug Qt Creator within Qt Creator, using Qt 5.9.3.

      The qbs profile used, was imported from the original built Creator that I did on the command line which I set up along the lines of:

      qbs setup-toolchains --detect
      qbs setup-qt /Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qt59_for_creator/built/qtbase/bin/qmake qt59_for_creator
      qbs config profiles.qt59_for_creator.baseProfile xcode-macosx-x86_64
      qbs -f /Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qtcreatordev profile:qt59_for_creator modules.qbs.buildVariant:release modules.cpp.debugInformation:true modules.cpp.machineType:native modules.cpp.cxxFlags:'-O3'

      The qbs profile was imported via Creator's import existing build button, and then I switched from "default" configuration to "Debug" configuration.

      Once I start the build, it fails with:

      Running steps for project Qt Creator...
      precompiling qtcreator_pch.h (cpp)
      compiling moc_aggregate.cpp
      compiling aggregate.cpp
      linking libAggregation_debug.4.5.82.dylib
      /usr/bin/clang++ -Wl,-install_name,@rpath/libAggregation_debug.4.5.82.dylib,-headerpad_max_install_names,-arch,x86_64,-syslibroot,/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.12.sdk,-rpath,@loader_path/../Frameworks,-compatibility_version,4.5.82 -dynamiclib -current_version 4.5.82 -L/Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qt59_for_creator/built/qtbase/lib -target x86_64-apple-macosx-macho -F/Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qt59_for_creator/built/qtbase/lib -F/Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qt59_for_creator/built/qtbase/lib -o '/Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qtcreator_release/debug/qtc_Creator_Qt_5_9_3_temporary_Debug/Aggregation.b9ba037c/Qt Creator.app/Contents/Frameworks/libAggregation_debug.4.5.82.dylib' /Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qtcreator_release/debug/qtc_Creator_Qt_5_9_3_temporary_Debug/Aggregation.b9ba037c/3a52ce780950d4d9/aggregate.cpp.o /Volumes/T3/Dev/qtcreator/qtcreator_release/debug/qtc_Creator_Qt_5_9_3_temporary_Debug/Aggregation.b9ba037c/73489b871e127538/moc_aggregate.cpp.o -framework DiskArbitration -framework IOKit -framework QtCore -framework Security -framework Foundation -framework ApplicationServices -framework IOKit -framework QtCore -framework DiskArbitration -framework QtTest -framework DiskArbitration -framework IOKit -framework QtCore -framework Security -framework Foundation -framework ApplicationServices -framework IOKit -framework QtCore -framework DiskArbitration -framework QtTest
      clang: warning: libstdc++ is deprecated; move to libc++ with a minimum deployment target of OS X 10.9 [-Wdeprecated]
      ld: -rpath can only be used when targeting Mac OS X 10.5 or later
      clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

      Apparently it has something to do with the "minimumMacosVersion" rules in QtcProduct.qbs

       Properties {
              condition: Utilities.versionCompare(Qt.core.version, "5.7") < 0
              cpp.minimumMacosVersion: project.minimumMacosVersion

      If I hardcode the property to minimumMacosVersion:"10.10", the build continues.


        Issue Links

          For Gerrit Dashboard: QTCREATORBUG-19602
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              kandeler Christian Kandeler
              alexandru.croitor Alexandru Croitor
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